I Hate Him

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—Jonah's POV—

"Cyrus." I said quietly.

"No please don't say anything." He said. We were still standing there.


"Because it was a mistake Jonah! I made a mistake." He exclaimed. Of course.

"A mistake? Is that all I am to you? A mistake!" I exclaimed loudly. Cyrus looked close to tears. I already had tears rolling down my face.

"No Jonah! Your the boy I've loved ever since I met you! Your the one I've looked up to. Your the one I can never get over!" Cyrus screamed. He was crying. He turned around and ran towards the other side of the park.

—TJ's POV—

I heard the screams from across the park. I know Cyrus still likes Jonah. I can't be mad because I don't know what Cyrus's feelings are for me.

I looked towards the lake and I saw Cyrus. There were tears streaming down his face.

I ran to him and he fell into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here." I kissed his forehead. "I'm here. What happened?"

He buried his face into my chest. I could here him sobbing.

"I c-can't t-tell you. You'll—you'll hate me." He said. His voice was muffled but I could still hear him.

"Muffin I promise I won't get mad." I said. "I promise."

"I kissed him. But then I realized it was a mistake and I told and-and-and—."

"Baby it's okay. I'm not mad. I know he was your first crush. I won't be mad if you want to go to him." I said. I'm not mad I'm just sad and upset.

I'm upset that Jonah's making him cry like this and there's nothing I can do to help.

"No. I don't want to go with him. I want to stay with you. I love you and I don't want to lose you." He said. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me close to him.

I could here him sobbing into my chest. I kissed his head.

"I — I hate h-him. I hate him for m-making me feel this way. I h-hate him for making me cry like this." Cyrus said through tears.

"Baby I wish I could do something. I love you so much and I don't want to see you hurt." I said.

"Your doing everything for me right now. Your letting me cry on you. Your holding me close to you." He said.

"Cyrus!" I heard someone call. Cyrus and I both turned around and saw Jonah jogging to us.

"Tj, I don't think I can talk to him." Cyrus said. "I can't face him right now."

"Hey, it's okay." I wiped a tear from his face. "I'll talk to him. What if you go wait for me at the ice cream place?"

"That would be great." He smiled shyly. He leaned and kissed me softly. "Thank you."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't do this?" I asked. Cyrus started walking away.

"A very bad one!" He called. I laughed.

Jonah came jogging up.

"Cyrus!" He called. I saw Cyrus tense up but he kept walking.

"Jonah, we need to talk." I said calmly. "I know what happened."

"He kissed me." Jonah said getting defensive.

"Yes I know but he just came running up to me and collapsed in my arms and cried his eyes out because of what happened." I said. "He was sobbing into my shirt because of it. And I couldn't do anything about it."

"That's not my fault. He kissed me. I only told him I was in love with him." He said.

"That's the thing Jonah, I'm in love with Cyrus too and since I'm in love with him, I need to ask you to stop trying to get him to choose you over me. This may sound selfish but I want what's best for Cyrus and from what I just saw, I think you need to stop." I said.

"He kissed me!" Jonah exclaimed loudly. "Why would he kiss me if he didn't like me?!"

"Jonah!" I yelled. "I didn't want to tell you this. Cyrus chose me. He came running back to me and when I told him to go to you, he wouldn't. Jonah he hates you. He hates the way you made him feel. He started crying again when he saw you!"

"He hates me?"

"He hates the way you made him feel. Cyrus is too nice to hate anyone but please just leave him alone. I can't stand to see him hurt like that again."

"I think your just making all this up. Cyrus would never say any of that." Jonah ran past me and tried to catch up with Cyrus.

I screamed in frustration and ran after him.

—Cyrus's POV—

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around expecting it to be Tj. Sadly it wasn't.

"Cyrus, why did Tj said you hated the way I made you feel? Why did he say you chose him?" Jonah asked.

I held back my tears.

"Because it's the truth." I said.

"So you hate that you like me?"

"I hate that you make me feel like a horrible person for not choosing you." I said. Tears were starting to fall. "Jonah I'm in love with Tj. I'm not sorry for loving someone."

I saw Tj running up the sidewalk behind Jonah. I pushed past Jonah and ran and hugged him.

"Fine." Jonah walked away. I let my tears fall and I cried into TJ's chest again. He held me close against.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm here Muffin." I looked up at him.

"Tj thank you for being there for me. I don't know what I would do without you." I hugged him tightly.

I didn't want to ever let go.


Heyyyy guysssss!!!!!!


Y'all really didn't think TYRUS was over did you?

Sorry if I scared y'all!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Okayyyyyyyyy byeeeeeeee!!!!

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