The Unexpected News

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—Cyrus's POV—

I was walking to school with Andi, Buffy, and Amber. We were all best friends now.

It's been 5 months since Tj fell into his coma. Every day is worse than the last without him. I visit him everyday but I really miss him. A felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Dammit, I cant cry now." I said under my breath. I wiped the tear from my face before the others could see.

We walked into school and parted ways with Amber. Buffy gave Amber a goodbye kiss. Buffy, Andi, and I walked to class.

Looks like it's going to be another day in hell.


"Cyrus you coming?" Buffy asked. It was lunch time and I had been staring off into space.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." I said. I grabbed my stuff and followed after her and Andi.

"Are you okay Cyrus?" Andi asked. I just nodded.

I just wanted this day over so I could go back to bed and escape from reality.

We were the only ones in the hallway since I was late. I heard my phone ringing so I stopped and pulled it out.

Buffy and Andi looked at me curiously. I hit answer and held it up to my ear.


Hi, is this Cyrus Goodman?

Yes, this is Cyrus. Who is this?

This is Doctor Theo Kane. I'm calling about your boyfriend Tj.

Oh no. Did something happen?

I already felt tears falling down my face.

Yes. We need you to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

I'll be there right away. Can you tell me what happened?

Your boyfriend, Tj, has came out of his coma.

I dropped my phone. I started running down the hallway as quick as I could.

I was sobbing. He's awake. He's actually awake.

I ran out the front door of the school and down the sidewalk. Buffy couldn't even keep up with me.


I ran all the way to the hospital and up to his room. I calmed down before I entered his room.

I placed my hand on the door handle and twisted it and walked in. There he was.

Tj was sitting up in bed looking at his phone. I let out a sob and ran over to him. He hugged me tightly.

"Your awake. Your actually awake. I've missed you so much." I sobbed into his shoulder. He was crying too.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked. I didn't answer him. "Cyrus how long have I been asleep?"

"Five months." I said quietly.

"I should've told you. I should've let you help." He said. "I just didn't want to worry you."

He was crying as much as I was now. I put my hand on the side of his face.

"It's okay. I'm here now. I'll always be here for you Tj. Just next time, promise me you'll come to me." I said.

"I promise. I'm so sorry." He said into my shoulder. We hadn't let each other go yet.

"It's not your fault. Could we maybe talk about why you are depressed though?" I asked. His face fell. "We don't have to if your not comfortable with it."

"No its okay." He took a deep breath. "Ever since my parents kicked me out, I've felt like a disappointment. I've felt like I didn't deserve to live. I felt like a piece of shit."

"Tj you are not any of those things. I don't know what I would've done without you here. Your not a piece of shit. Your the most amazing person I know. My life got a lot better once I met you." I said. I looked at him.

There were a lot of tears streaming down his face. He let out a sob and I hugged him tightly again.

"No ones e-ever said something that n-nice to me. Thank you Cyrus." He said. I kissed his forehead.

"You don't need to thank me. I'll tell you that everyday if you need or want me too. I love you so much Tj and I don't know what I would do without you." I said. I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips.

"I love you so much more." He said. He hugged me tightly and we stayed like that for probably an hour.


—TJ's POV—

I can't believe I've been asleep for five months. I can't imagine how Cyrus must've felt.

Cyrus and I were still hugging tightly when the doctor came in the room an hour and a half later.

By some miracle, the doctor allowed me to go home today. He did some tests but he said my vitals were good and that I was well enough to go home.

Cyrus and I walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

"I've missed you so much." Cyrus said.

"I've missed you too. I can't believe it's already been five months. Are there flying cars now? Please tell me there are." I said. Cyrus giggled. "I never noticed that you had the most adorable giggle."

Cyrus blushed. He fell behind me and before I could look and see what he was doing, he was on my back.

"I just got out of a coma. Shouldn't you be carrying me?" I said laughing.

"I'm lighter than you." Cyrus laughed. I've missed this so much.

Even though I couldn't miss it because of you know, the coma.

It was already 4 so we decided to go to the Spoon and get some lunch.

We walked in and we saw Jonah standing there. He looked at Cyrus with tears in his eyes then ran out of the restaurant.

"What was all that about?" I asked.

"You've missed a lot. I'll explain everything once we get home." Cyrus said.


Oh my god!! Thank you guys so much for 8k reads!!!!!!

You guys are amazing!!!!!!

I hope you all liked this chapter!!!!!

I'm really excited about the next chapter so I might post it today too but I'm not sure.

Okayyyyyyyyy byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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