Chapter 1 Liam Takes A Stand

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We were writing and then all of one the perfs (that’s’ what everyone calls the popular girls) starts screaming Marisa looks up and then taps me on the shoulder I look over at her “Alanna look at who just walked in” I look over and lock eyes with Liam. Mrs. Anderson looks at the class “now everyone I know most of you already know our new student from his popular boy band One Direction but I want you to treat him just like a regular person” She smiles sweetly at him. “Have a seat Liam and if you want you can pick someone to show you around until you get the hang of your schedule” Now I swear to you every girl in the room aside from Marisa myself and Tasha shoved someone out of their seat that was until I was shoved out of my seat by Jovanna hitting my head on the edge of the desk next to me. She bats her heavily mascaraed eyelashes at Liam “You can sit next to me this seat is free” I slowly sit up as he rushes over and looks at me helping me back up and into my seat “Are you alright love?” I weakly smile at him “Yeah I’m ok thank you” he smiles and looks at Mrs. Anderson “I’ll have her show me around if she is ok with that” I nod slowly just as the bell rings I quietly stand up and gather my stuff slinging my bag over my shoulder and look at Liam “So I guess I should introduce myself since I’m going to be your tour guide my name is Alanna, Alanna Johnson” he looks down at me and smiles “Hello love I’m Liam, Liam Payne” I smile back “can I see your schedule please?” he hands it to me I look at it then gently hand it back to him “so it looks like you have every class with me, which really is not a good thing for you” he looks at me confused I sigh and explain what I go through on a daily basis, he gasps and his eyes change from his normal warm chocolate brown color to a darker more upset and harder color. “That isn’t right Alanna you should never let anyone treat you like that” I glance over at him “it’s not that I want them to treat me like this I just don’t have anyone who cares enough about me to do something about it” I sigh “But wait Liam why do you care so much” “ I mean you just met me and I don’t fit in with your type of group” he looks at me quizzically “What do you mean my type of group love?”  I stop and turn to him “You’re a perf Liam, I’m just a nobody” I continue on to our next class which is math I walk in and over to the teacher “Mr. Gregory this is our new student Liam Payne” he smiles at him “have a seat anywhere you like” I take my seat in the back next to my friend Chris and Liam sits down next to me Chris turns to him “hey dude I’m Chris” “Liam nice to meet you mate” they smile at each other Mr. Gregory writes down the homework and walks out for a minute Michelle Jovanna’s sister turns to Liam “Hey Liam do you want to sit with us instead of those losers?”  her and her friend chuckle as her boyfriend Tyler walks over and dumps a slushy all over the top of my head ruining my clothes and my bag completely, Liam stands up and grabs Tyler by the collar of his shirt “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH HER?!? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?!?” I gently grab Liam’s arm “Liam please just let it go it’s fine really I promise” I weakly smile at him, as a tear slowly slips down my face, he glares at every person in the room except my friends “If any of you ever harm her in any way again you have me personally to deal with and that is not a threat it is a promise” he grabs my stuff and his and takes my hand gently as Mr. Gregory walks back in Liam looks at him “I’m taking her home to get cleaned up I copied down our lesson so we will do it and get it too you tomorrow” We walk out of the classroom as everyone just sits their shocked mouths agape. 

We Will Find A Way Through The Dark (A Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now