Chapter 15 Both Of Us Knowing Love Is A Battlefield

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*Liam's Point Of View*

I sit there staring blankly at the door my eyes filling with tears I attempt to wipe them away but it's no use they just keep falling faster and faster I look away from the door and  straight into Zayn's eyes "What have I done....." I whisper to him brokenly he sighs shaking his head "You scared her mate. Badly and honestly I don’t blame her for being upset with you" he says before he picks Lucia up bridal style and walking out of the room with her. I look to Louis and Harry "You have to help me mates please I l-love h-her" I choke out sobbing *HARRY'S POINT OF VIEW* "You want us to help you after you treated Niall like that AND you made your own girlfriend AFRAID of you Liam!!!!!!!! No I'm not going to help you!!!! How do I know you won't hurt her like you hurt Niall!!!!!!!!" I screamed at him before storming out of the room Louis hot on my heels *ALANNA'S POINT OF VIEW* oh my god I can't believe I did that he is going to hate me and not want anything to do with me none of them are maybe it is just best that I end things here I sigh deeply before walking over to the hotel stationary and taking a piece and sitting back down at the desk and grabbing a pen off the desk

Dear Liam,

I love you so much you mean the world to me and i'm so sorry I made you angry I just want you to know how truly sorry I am for making you angry with me. Words really cannot express how much you meant to me and how much you will always mean to me I may die a virgin but you should know that it will always belong to you and who knows maybe we will meet again some day thank you. Thank you for loving me at least for a little while I will NEVER EVER forget you or the things you have done for me I love you Li <3 Alanna


Where do i even begin? You are an amazing friend and the little sister that i never had i love the fact that you could always bring a smile to my face. I promise you that Liam will get over whatever his issue is with you and Niall. Speaking of you and Niall I know I have not known you guys long at all but I can tell that you guys are going to be to  together for a very long time you guys may fight  down the road but Siall is endgame I can feel it by the way thank you for being such an amazing friend to me and look out for Liam for me goodbye hun -Alanna


I realize that i did not know you or the other guys very well and i am sorry that i did not get the chance to know you better  but i can tell you are a really amazing guy please do not ever let anyone tell you otherwise I hope Summer and you have a very happy life together stay sweet Ni -Alanna


like i said in Niall's letter i know i did notbknow you well and that makes me sad i hope that you are happy in you life and everything that you do please take care of Tara or I will haunt you from beyond the grave -Alanna


i am so incredibly happy for you and Sam you guys are wonderful together and i am so sorry i could not be there physically for your wedding all i really have to tell you is never change a thing about yourself your amazing -Alanna


i did not really get a chance to talk to you very much which is depressing but i know that you are a truly amazing guy and that Lucia is a very lucky girl please just do me 2 favors watch out for Liam to make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt himself and also stay amazing -Alanna


i did not know you well and I am sorry for that but from what i did know you were amazing stay sweet hun -Alanna


I did not know you at all but i am so incredibly happy for you congratulations on the wedding i hope you and Louis have a long happy and healthy marriage -Alanna


Tar first off i want to tell you how truly sorry i am for doing this to you but i could not stand to know how much i hurt him your my best friend actually your more like a sister to me and I will never forget you I promise you are always going to hold a special place in my heart I <3 you Tar -Lanna

I finished off the last of the letters and grabbed a letter opener off the counter and walked into the bathroom and laid down in the tub slowly slitting first my legs and stomach then I start on my wrists first tiny cuts and then as I realized all the pain that I caused Liam they start to get deeper and deeper I start to feel light headed and look over at the doorway the last thing I see before I pass out is Liam's tear stained face 

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