Chapter 13 First Times & Furious Brothers

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*Niall’s Point of View*

I pulled summer down to the park “Where to first princess?” I asked smiling at her she smiled before replying “How about we go get something to eat I’m starving?” “Sure babe” I said smirking slightly to myself Liam is my best friend and all but I love Summer and I have known her for 4 years now and I have always wanted her not just as my girlfriend but in a sexual manner also I take her hand and walk over to the concession stand we get food and finish it off I look at Summer running my hand up and down her thigh slowly and lean over to whisper in her ear “What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere more quiet?” I ask her with a wink she looks at me and nods I throw away our trash and pick her up and carry her back to our room just thinking about what I’m gonna do like what you to her is making me incredibly hard and I know she can feel it to I get into our room and slam and lock the door putting her on the bed and immediately strip down to nothing and take my throbbing erection in my hand pumping it twice slowly to relieve some of the tension I slip on a condom and look over at her to see her biting her lip and watching me roll on the condom “You like what you see babe?” I ask with a smirk in my voice she looks at me she nods still biting her lip I reach down and pull her lip out “Don’t bite your lip Summer” i tell her standing back and standing her up as well “Sorry Ni” “It’s ok babe now strip for me “ I say as I sit down in the chair she strips down to reveal ;) I licked my lips and look at her up and down get “Damn baby girl you look fucking sexy” I said walking over to her and nibbling on her lower lip she moans loudly I smirk and continue slipping her panties off her and sticking a finger inside her I get stopped by her hymen obviously “Mhmmm damn babe you  saving yourself for me?” I wink at her an lay her back on the bed unhooking her bra and tossing it to the side somewhere I grab one of my ties and tie her hands above her head to the bedpost “I’m gonna make this sooooo good for you baby” I wink at her again and grab one of my scarves “Bite down on this if it hurts too much “ I kiss her quickly before gently placing it in her mouth she looks at me scared I just smile at her and slowly lower myself down on top of her lining myself up with her entrance  “This is only gonna hurt a lot babe” I say before slowly easing myself deep inside her she screams in pain through  “RELAX BABE IF YOU RELAX IT WON’T HURT AS BAD” I said thrusting in and out of her slowly *SUMMER’S POINT OF VIEW* “RELAX BABE IF YOU RELAX IT WON’T HURT AS BAD” he says what the fuck does he know he isn’t the fucking one that feels like he is being fucking ripped apart at the fucking seams fucking Irish twit I spit out the gag and scream bloody murder “NIALL STOP IT HURTS” I say before bursting into tears he pulls out and unties me pulling me into his chest “I’m sorry baby I love you” he says before the door is kicked in I jump and look up to see Liam standing there looking ready to murder someone uh-oh was the last thing I thought before I passed out.


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