Chapter 2 Saving Her Tonight

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*Authors Note this chapter will be in Liam’s point of view the beginning is his thoughts*

After we walked out of the room I looked down at Alanna, she looked so small and scared, but you know what she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Yes Danielle and Sophia were beautiful also but I came to find out that they only wanted me for my looks and body or my fame I knew that Alanna is nothing like that I could tell as soon as I looked at her that she was and is the one for me.  Now I know that to some people it sounds like I am moving too fast, I know I just met her but I believe wholeheartedly in the concept of soul mates and I know that she is mine. I stopped walking once we were out in the quad area and looked down at her as is about 5 or 6 inches shorter than me “Alanna are you ok?” she looked up at me biting her lower lip gently “I’m fine Li just cold and sticky” I swear my heart skipped a beat when she called me “Li” “What did you just call me love?” she looks down “ Li Oh sorry I didn’t mean to please don’t be a-angry w-w-with m-me” she breaks down in tears I pull her into me gently not caring that she is a sticky mess or that I now too am a sticky mess. I reach down and rub her back gently “shhh love it’s ok I actually like that nickname it’s better then what the lads call me” I grimace she giggles softly looking up at me her eyes sparkling with humor “Who came up with Daddy direction anyway?” “you know I actually think it was a mutual decision  but enough about that nickname why don’t I take you home so you can get cleaned up?” she looks up at me tears filling her gorgeous hazel eyes “ I uh um n-no that’s ok”  I pull back and look deep into her eyes “what’s wrong beautiful? you can tell me anything I promise I will never judge you” she closes her eyes and opens them as tear after tear rolls down her cheeks “I live at a homeless shelter my parents don’t really care for me so they kicked me out I’m not allowed back until like 5” I gasp and pull out my phone calling my mum on the 3rd ring she picks up “Hello?”  I take a deep breath “Hi mum listen I know I’m supposed to be in class but I’m coming home” “Liam James why would you need to be coming home so early?” “Mum please I’ll explain when we get there” ”alright sweetie see you soon” mum hangs up I turn back to Alanna “come on love I’m taking you back to my house we both need to get cleaned up” I chuckle as she giggles and we walk over to my car I help her in get in and drive to my house. She steps out of the car as I walk to the trunk and get our bags “come on love I would like to help you get cleaned up and introduce you to my mum”  I grab her hand and we walk up to the front door I open it gesturing for her to go in first. She walks in I follow her closing the door and setting our stuff down. “Mum?” I call out “In the kitchen sweetheart” I grab her hand gently and we walk into the kitchen my mom is cooking something that smells like fish n chips. “Mum I would like you to meet my new friend Alanna.” My mum turns around wipes her hands on her apron and extends her hand. Alanna stares at it before shyly taking it and shaking it like my mum is made of glass or something, mum giggles “Nice to meet you sweetie” she smiles warmly at her , Alanna gives her a small smile in return.  “Hello Mrs. Payne thank you for letting me come over” “Please sweetie call me Karen” I smile at both of them “Mum I think I am going to take her up to my room so she can get showered and changed” my mum nods going back to making dinner. I take Alanna upstairs to my room. “Li i don’t have any clothes to wear it would be pointless for me to take a shower when I just have to put these sticky clothes back on” I kiss her forehead mindful of the slushy all over her. ”No worries about that love I have pajamas for you to wear.” She smiles and walks in to the bathroom and closes the door moments later the shower starts up I lay out this for her and walk back downstairs. ( “Mum I need to talk to you” I sit down at the island in the kitchen my mum washes her hands and sits down across from me “What is it sweet heart?” “Is this about why you came home early?”  I nod look down and explain to her everything Alanna told me right after she got a slushy shower and we left math class. “She has nowhere else to go and if you and dad will let me I would really love for her to stay here.’ I glance up and see my mum staring at me a tear rolling slowly down her cheek.  “Liam I am so proud of you and I will tell your father that she is more than welcome to live with us.” “Now go upstairs and make sure she’s ok. Dinner will be ready in about 45 minutes” I hug her and kiss her cheek jogging upstairs to my room.

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