Chapter 32 When I Look At You

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*Alanna’s Point Of View*

“Hey baby girl” he said smiling at me

“You fucking son of a bitch!!!” I yelled at him slapping him incredibly hard across the face

“You fucking died you know that right?!?!?!?!” I said getting up in his face

“Babe I’m sorry I just could not take the fact that I thought we lost him and I felt that if I was not in your life and you did not have to deal with my life style you would have never lost him” he said as held his face tears pouring from his gorgeous brown eyes

I break down in tear and hold him tightly “I’m sorry for hitting you baby you just have no idea what it felt like to finally reach you and find out that you were dead. I know that I cut myself but I did not actually die I just passed out” I told him my face buried in his chest

 *Liam’s Point Of View*

I hold her close not realizing just how affected this whole situation made her “Baby I really am sorry I never meant to hurt you” I told her tears pouring down my face

“I know baby but you and this baby are all I have remember I wouldn’t have been able to keep going without you” she said pulling back slightly from my embrace

I pull her back into me never wanting to let her go “I know baby and you will never know how sorry I am but I promise you I will never do anything like that again and I am yours for eternity” I said before plaing a sweet kiss on her lips

She kisses back and looks deep into my eyes “Niall helped me write you a song” she said blushing

I sat up an looked at Niall as he nodded “Well then let’s hear it” I said Niall grabbed his guitar and sat down as she stood up and opened her mouth (All rights to the song go to Miley Cyrus and the writers)

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a song

A beautiful melody

When the nights are long

'cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy

Yeah when my world is falling apart

When there's no light

To break up the dark

That's when I, I

I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home any more

That's when I, I

I look at you

When I look at you

I see forgiveness

I see the truth

You love me for who I am

Like the stars hold the moon

Right there where they belong

And I know I'm not alone

Yeah when my world is falling apart

When there's no light

To break up the dark

That's when I, I

I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home any more

That's when I, I

I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me

Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me

All I need

Every breath that I breathe

Don't you know you're beautiful

Yeah, yeah, yeah

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home any more

That's when I, I

I look at you

I look at you



You appear just like a dream to me

As soon as she finished I felt the tears pouring feely down my face she walked over and gently wiped them away with her thumb “That was beautiful baby girl just like you” I told her burying my face in her chest then pulling away to look at her

“I’m glad you liked it baby ask Niall I was really nervous on whether or not I should sing it for you” she said looking away from me

I grab her chin gently lifting it so she has to look at me “Lanna nothing you could ever do would be horrible I love everything that you do” I told her kissing her passionately

“God you are amazing baby I love you so much and I really meant what I said you are beautiful your scars and everything” she said before gently taking my wrist and kissing every single one of my cuts so gently that it didn’t even hurt

I smile at her lovingly through tears she really is the one for me and I can’t wait until I am finally able to call her Mrs. Payne. Thank you god for bringing such an amazing person into my life I swear to you that I will never do anything to hurt her ever again for as long as we both shall live. You know what screw that I won’t even hurt her in our after life because her and I will be together for eternity was my last thoughts before I drifted off into a peaceful sleep with my love by my side.

We Will Find A Way Through The Dark (A Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now