Chapter 6 Smitten Zayn & Song Ideas

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*Liam’s Point of view*

As soon as Alanna and summer left I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the side my bed. I rubbed some of the sleep out of my eyes and glanced around to see all the lads sleeping soundly Zayn of course had his head buried deep under his mounds of blankets. Niall was in a weird position over my desk chair god only knows how he ended up like that. Harry was drooling all over Louis foot and Lou himself was sprawled out all over the floor snoring loudly. I chuckle quietly to myself I hear my phone buzz across the room and make my way over to it I grab it and notice that It’s Paul our manager/bodyguard I swipe the unlock screen answering the call “Hey Paul what’s up?” I answer quietly making my way out of the room mindful not to wake the lads “Good morning Liam. I just wanted to call and let you know that you and the lads need to be at the studio in 2 hours” he replied “Ok I will wake them and we will see you there” I said “See you soon” he says before he hangs up I walk back into my room and get in the shower I get out 15 minutes later and wrap a towel around my waist walk out of the bathroom and over to my closet I finally decide on (this) after I got dressed I walked over and shook Zayn knowing he would take the longest in the bathroom “Zayn mate time to get up we have to go to the studio” he groans loudly which wakes the other lads Lou rubs the sleep out of his eyes “What’s going on?” Zayn looks at him his eyes practically drooping “We have to go to the studio” Lou gets up and walks over to the closet Zayn Harry and Niall follow him they finally decide on (these) and go take their showers once they are ready I smile at them and we walk downstairs. Niall’s stomach grumbles we chuckle and make our way into the kitchen where my mum has laid out bacon eggs toast marmite for Lou obviously since he loves that stuff so much fruit hash browns and assorted juices “Morning mum” I smile at her and take a seat at the table. “Good morning boys how did you guys sleep?” Zayn just grunts still half asleep even after his 30 minute shower Louis looks at her “Fantastic although my foot was soaking wet when I woke up” I chuckle quietly Harry looks at her “I slept fine how about you Karen?” he replies with that cheeky smile of his “I slept just fine Harry thank you for asking” she gives him a small smile I stand up and look at them “Come on mates we don’t want to be late” they stand up and we take our plates over to the sink and rinse them I kiss my mum’s cheek and we get in the car and Louis drives to the studio. We get out and walk inside to our usual recording booth to see Paul sitting there with some girl we have never seen before “Paul who’s the hot chick sitting next to you?” I hear Harry ask from my right of course it’s Harry I though it’s ALWAYS Harry first my girl now this poor girl. Wait what am I saying Alanna isn’t my girl and she probably won’t ever want to be I notice Zayn give Harry a death glare as Paul gives him a look also that I can’t make out “Boys this is my niece Lucia please be nice to her and don’t make her uncomfortable Harold” Harry gulps audibly as I chuckle under my breath *ZAYN’S POINT OF VIEW* god Lucia is wow her style is so laid back (Lucia) she’s just gorgeous “Hi love I’m Zayn”  I smile at her extending my hand she smiles back and shakes my hand “I know who you are I am a fan of your music and it’s nice to finally meet you in person” “The pleasure is all mine love. Will you be staying for a while?” she looks back at Paul who nods “I guess so” she smiles brightly “Great then I really have to make sure not to screw up my parts then” I wink at her and walk into the booth to get ready to record my part *LIAM’S POINT OF VIEW* I chuckle at Zayn he’s so smitten already and he just met her but if I am going to be completely honest Niall was right last night right before the movie I am truly madly deeply completely head over heels in love with Alanna. Now I just have to figure out a way to tell her “Tommo can I talk to you privately for a minute?” he glances up from Harry’s phone “Sure mate” we quietly get up and walk out to the break room where they keep refreshments and stuff he sits down I turn to as he traces the letters on his shirt “What’s up mate?” he asks still not looking at me “ I want to write her a song and I want you to help me” I said running my hands through my hair. He looks at me “No worries mate any ideas?” “Not yet but I want her to know that we will find a way through the dark” 

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