Chapter 17 You Are My Everything & Unknowns

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

The doctor walked over and looked at me “She’s awake Mr. Payne and she wants to see you” he said before turning on his heel and walking back down the hall I shoot up out of that ridiculously uncomfortable chair and sprint down to her room to see her lying on the bed watching TV “Hey gorgeous how are you feeling” I asked walking over and sitting beside her bed she just looks over at me with this like dead look in her eye “Can you please get out?” she mutters weakly I walk over and gently take her hands in mine staring down at our fingers “Baby I love you and finding you like that scared the living hell out of me. I thought if I lost you and if I actually would have lost you I do not think that I would have had the will to survive” I told her honestly tears falling freely from my face I look up to see her bawling quietly

*Alanna’s Point Of View*

I didn’t realize that I meant so much to him I thought that if I was no longer in his life he could be happy and find someone that would treat him the way he deserves and not tear him apart like I know that I am doing to him. But when he told me that if he lost me he would take his own life I knew just how much I really mean to him I wipe away his tears “Baby please don’t cry I am so so so so so so so sorry that I hurt you. I just felt that like if I was not around you would be happy and could move on and have everything you have ever wanted in life” I told him looking away he just wraps his arms around me and lays down next to me crying into my hair “You are the only thing I want.  You are my everything, I would move heaven and earth before I let you try to leave me again baby girl” he says desperately before we cry ourselves to sleep in each other’s arms.

*Summer’s Point Of View*

This is so depressing I wonder why she decided to do this to herself she is such a great  person and me mum dad and especially Liam love her to death there has to be a reason behind her wanting her to hurt herself and all of us like this. Grant you I have not known her for long at all but I know that Liam is definitely going to make her a Payne someday but right now he needs to show her that he really does care for her and I know just how he is going to do that  I turn to Niall “Nialler I need your help” I said drawing circles on his hands he smiles at what I’m doing “What’s up  crazypoo?”  “I want to get them something matching maybe infinity symbols” I said “Ok but why infinity symbols?“ he asked clearly puzzled  I giggle “So they know that their lover will last forever” I replied before running to the gift shop I could hear him chasing after me. I found this and went and paid for it skipping back over to Niall

*Tara’s Point Of View*

I cannot believe she would do this to herself and especially to me I thought she was happy. Why would she feel like she would need to kill herself? I mean she is smart funny, kind  to everyone and people still treat her like shit although she does not think she is pretty I think she is and I know Liam does too. I think I am gonna go see how she is doing. I get up and make my way to her room quietly knocking on the door no one answers I peek my head in to see them curled up in each other’s arms  fast asleep . even though they have their fights I know they love each other and would do anything to keep the other one safe I smile softly to myself God why can’t I have a love like there’s?

*Unknown’s Point Of View*

I watched Niall follow that girl into the gift shop all flirty and in love god she makes me sick. He should be with me not whoever that girl is!!!!!! God get a grip on yourself G you are so much better then she is and you know you can make him incredibly happy now all you have to do is bide your time and wait for your moment you can do this G you can do this 

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