Chapter 27 I Have Never Been More Sure Of Anything

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

Sam and Louis wedding was absolutely beautiful and I am incredibly happy for them but I feel like I do not ever get to spend time with Alanna and that makes me incredibly sad because not only is she my girlfriend but she is also pregnant with our first of hopefully many kids together maybe I  should take a page from Louis book and ask her to marry me yeah, yeah I know we haven’t known each other very long but trust me you know when you meet your soul mate and I can tell you that she is mine.

“Zayn Harry Niall I need your help with something’ I told them before walking around to the front of our beach house and lean against the porch

They followed closely behind and sat on the porch swing “What’s up mate?”  Niall asked looking at me

“I want to ask Alanna to marry me” I said simply

“Alright so let’s go ring shopping then” Zayn said as he walks in the house we all go change out of our suits and into these outfits  as the girls walked over Lucia heading straight to Zayn and giving him a big kiss  as Zayn kisses back with a blush

“Hi baby nice shirt” Alanna says with a giggle planting a kiss on my cheek

“Thanks love I will see you later” I said giving her a sweet kiss

She kisses back “Where are you going?” she says a tear sliding slowly down her cheek

“Aw love, don’t cry please we are just going to go get some more food” I told her hugging her tightly

“Oh ok baby I love you come back soon ok?” she says flush against my body as she leans up and kisses me

“I love you too beautiful I promise we will come back soon” I tell her kissing he and getting in the van with the guys “Oh baby what is your favorite color?” I ask out the window

“Blue why?” she responds tilting her head to the side

“No reason I was just curious see you when we get back” I yell out the window as I drive off towards town  I pull up to the place we  bought the tuxedos at and get out we hurry inside as to not be mobbed by paparazzi and fans and head up to the counter

I look at the guy at the counter “Excuse me mate do you guys sell engagement rings here?”

“Yeah dudes knock yourself out” he says gesturing to the rings in the glass case at the counter

After searching through them for about an hour I finally decide on this ring  I paid for it and we walked out and got back in my range rover 

“Liam, can we stop at the mall?” Niall asked sitting next to me

“Sure mate any reason?” I asked driving to the mall

“I think you should get her a creative gift to put the ring in” he asked as we  got out and walked inside

“Sure mate that is a great idea but what should I get?” I asked as we walked past the one direction store

“I know the perfect thing mates” Harry said dragging us into the store and over to the cups picking up this mug

“Here you go Liam this will be perfect” Harry says handing it to me with a smirk

“Thanks Hazza this is actually a really great idea” I pay for it and we get back to the house walking inside Alanna Summer Lucia and Tara are sitting on the couch watching Friends with Benefits (I love that movie) eating ice cream and wearing these pj's 

I sit down next to Alanna “Hey love I bought you something” I told her pulling her onto my lap

“Aw babe you shouldn’t have you and your family have already done enough for me and besides we are having a baby I could not think of anything more that you could possibly give me” she said kissing me softly snuggling into my chest

“I can think of two things that I definitely need to give you” I told her grabbing the mug from Harry

“Really like what Li?” she asks

“Well here is the first thing” I tell her handing her the mug  “Then there is this” I set her on the couch and pull out the ring “Alanna Johnson I know that I haven’t known you very long at all but our parents always told us that we would know the person we are supposed to spend the rest of our lives with when we met them and I knew from the moment I saw you in that classroom that god put me on this earth to find you and now that I found you I am never letting you go will you do me the honor of being the future Mrs. Liam Payne?

She gasps and nods her head tears slowly slipping down her cheeks. ”I would love to marry you Liam,  you have no idea how happy you make me but are you sure about this?” she asks hugging me tightly

I hug her back just as tightly “I have never been more sure of anything in my life except my love for our baby beautiful” I tell her kissing her deeply and passionately

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