Chapter 14 Fights & The End Of Lianna

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

I kicked open the door to Niall and Summer’s room to see them lying on the bed and their clothes all over the place then I look at Summer to see she has just passed out I scream and charge over to the bed and pull Niall up by his hair “GET DRESSED NOW!” I screamed at him he quickly put on his boxers and pants I grabbed him and threw him up against the wall hard “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER YOU BLOODY WANKER” he rubs the back of his head “We just had sex mate I promise I was gentle” he says I punch him in the nose “YOU JUST HAD SEX WITH HER?!?!?!?!?!” he nods “I’M GOING TO BLOODY MURDER YOU” I scream at him before proceeding to punch every part of his body that I could reach 10 minutes later I get thrown off of him and look up to see Zayn holding me down “LET ME GO MATE” I yelled at him trying to take a swing at him he dodges it and rolls me over pinning my arm behind my back and digging his knee into my back “Not until you calm down mate” “NO HE SLEPT WITH SUMMER AND NOW SHE IS PASSED OUT!!!!”*ALANNA’S POINT OF VIEW* “Guys do you hear that?” I asked Tara Lucia and Sam they all nod Tara looks around “We should go see what’s going on” she stands up and walks out we all follow her and walk over to Siall’s room it is there ship name I walk in and notice Zayn on top of Liam “What in the hell is going on here?” I asked clearly confused Liam looks over at me “THEY HAD SEX AND SUMMER PASSED OUT!!!!” he looks at me tears streaming down his face I walk over and look at him “I’m going to have Zayn let you up but if you even think about going after Niall again I swear on my life I will move out and back into the homeless shelter” I told him before sitting down next to Harry in the corner of the room. He looks at me tears falling faster down his face if that is even possible “You w-would really d-do that to me?” he stutters out between sobs I nod slowly “Yes I would you beat up your best friend how do I know you w-w-wouldn’t hurt me e-everyone else d-does” I manage to get out before chocking on a sob I get up and run out of the room *SUMMER’S POINT OF VIEW* I sit up and wince slightly in pain and look around to see Sam Lucia and Tara glaring at Liam “What’s wrong?” I asked them Tara looks at me “Your brother scared my best friend and now she is probably off cutting herself somewhere!” she says before slapping Liam across the face and walking out. I look at him “I swear to god if you ruined Lianna I will never forgive you I will also make sure mum and dad Know what you did and I will personally kick your arse Liam” I said before I get dressed and walk over to Niall helping him up “Are you ok Nialler?” I asked seeing the bruise on his cheek and the nasty looking huge one on his side “Yeah I’m fine crazypoo how are you feeling?” “Sore but I’ll be ok thank you for being so gentle” I smile at him he smiles back “I will always be gentle with you. Now let’s go get food” he replied carrying me out as I out giggle

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