Chapter 9 The Sleepover (Part 1)

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*Tara’s Point of View*

I put my phone down and looked through my closet I pulled out this to wear over there with these pajamas for the sleepover this I threw them in a duffle bag along with some movies and some snacks also a couple board games even though I’m not a one direction fan I could at least try for my best friend right? I walked downstairs “Mom I’m going to a sleepover at Alanna’s” “Ok sweetie have fun” I wave and grab my board and head over too Payne’s house I get there to see Alanna waiting on the porch for me At least he has a nice house Liam's house I flip my board into my hand and walk up to her giving her a big hug considering I haven’t seen her since the day before yesterday “Hey Lanna” I smile at her “Hey Tar thank you for coming” she replies walking in the house I follow right behind her “So why are we here and not at your house?” I ask looking around at the inside. “I live here now” she replies I stare at her completely confused “Why would you live here and not with your parent’s?” she sighs “They kicked me out a while ago Tar I was living at the homeless shelter in town until Liam helped me. “Oh” I replied “Well you can always come and live with me” I said honestly she sighs “Tar you know I love you but Liam and his family are really very nice please give him a chance for me?” I sigh “Fine but only for you” I give her a small smile as she hugs me tightly “Thank you so much Tar” she says before pulling me up and into Liam’s room I noticed two girls sitting there they were wearing these Alanna looks at them “Guys this is my bestie Tara, Tara this is Liam’s sister Summer and our new friend Lucia” she says gesturing to each girl as she says their names “Hey guys” I wave at them and go change into the pajamas I brought I sit down on the bed and Alanna walks out of the bathroom wearing these pajamas I smile at her and we all walk downstairs to see the boys sitting on the couch wearing  batman & sweats. There was a girl sitting on Louis’s or at least I think that was his name she was wearing this *HARRY’S POINT OV VIEW* I looked up to see that Summer Lucia Alanna and some incredibly gorgeous had just walked downstairs I blushed and looked at Alanna “Nice shirt love” I snickered attempting to take attention away from myself as I caught Lou and Misty staring at me she glares at me before running out of the room Liam gets up and follows her I smile at the girl “Hi love I’m Harry what’s your name?” “Tara” she replies giving me and icy glare shrink back into my seat next to Lou as Niall pulls Summer into his Lap and Zayn does the same with Lucia Lou looks at me “That was not ok mate” “I was just joking” I replied trying to defend my actions Sam looks at me “That doesn’t matter Harry that isn’t funny I can tell you really hurt her feelings” she kisses Lou and walks out of the room I sit there *LIAM’S POINT OF VIEW* I followed Alanna out of the room and into the kitchen I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind “Are you ok baby?” I asked I knew Harry upset her with his comment “N-no” she responded her voice cracking “What’s wrong love?” I asked even though I already knew what it was “H-H-Harry i-I’m s-s-s-sorry I j-j-just l-l-like t-t-the s-s-s-s-shirt” she stutters out between sobs I turn her around and lift her chin up kissing her lightly before looking deep into her hazel eyes “Love it’s ok I’m not mad at you for wearing it if anything I’m honored that you would even consider wearing it in the first place let alone put it on” she smiles and giggles softly “Really?” she replies I nod as she throws her arms around my neck burying her face in my neck I pick her up and hold her close. God she is adorable “Beside I meant what I said we will ALWAYS find a way through the dark” I hear someone clear their throat and look over to see Sam standing in I smile at her “Hi Misty” all her friends call her Misty “Hey Liam” “What’s up?” I ask she smiles before responding “I just came to make sure she was alright” I smile back “I think so” “Great well come back into the living room so we can get this sleep over started” she skips out of the kitchen I pick Alanna up bridal style and walk back into the living room.

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