Chapter 22 Oh No

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

Oh my god is this really happening I thought as I grabbed Alanna by the hips and stood so her body was flush against mine and kissed her deeply running my hands through her hair as I gently lean back so she is lying on the bed and pull away from her. ”God you are beautiful baby” I told her as I kissed her once and moved down to her neck to find her sweet spot I figured I found it as she let a soft moan. God I did not thing I could get any harder then I was but that and the fact that she was digging her nails into my back and arching her chest so that there is absolutely no space between us completely drove me mental. I stand back up and look at her “Are you ready baby?” she nods as I smile at her and slowly pull down my boxers she smiles back before slowly stripping and lying back on our bed completely naked biting her lip gently. She looks up at me through her lashes “I’m ready babe I know it will hurt but I trust you and I love you so I know that you will really try not to hurt me” she said before kissing me deeply I kiss back and start to tear up “Of course I would never hurt you baby girl you are my everything” we smile at each other before I slowly enter her I kiss her softly as her face scrunches up in pain “I am so sorry baby it will get better I promise” she kisses back and nods after a couple of minutes her eyes open and she smiles the most breathtaking smile at me “You can move Li”  I slowly start to move after about 5 mins she catches me by surprise and rolls us over so she is on top and starts riding me slowly running her hands through her hair and biting her lip as my hands slowly travel up her sides “I love you Liam James” she says before leaning down and kissing me hard on the mouth. I kiss back with just as much force “I love you more Alanna Alise” I tell her before I feel myself let go.

*Lucia’s Point Of View*

I smile sweetly at Zayn “Of course I will be your girlfriend Zayn” I tell him before kissing him sweetly he kisses back and smiles “I love you Lucia Marie Austin” he tells me I blush “I love you too Zayn Javaad Malik” I tell him before he picks me up and sweeps me off my feet he stares deep into my eyes “Lucia I love you so much and I really want to take that next step in our relationship” “What do you mean baby?” I ask him clearly confused as to where this is going “Lucia I want to make love to you” I blush “Ok baby I would love that” he smiles at me before putting me down and stripping slowly I strip out of my dress and lay back he slowly rolls on a condom and lays down next to me “This might hurt baby girl but I promise that I will try to make this as painless as possible” I smile at him “I know Zayn just do it” I tell him before kissing him deeply as he hovers over me and slowly goes inside me “Oh my god Z-Zayn” I gasp out as soon as he is fully inside of me “I am so sorry baby!” he says before he starts to pull out “No baby! Don’t it feels good” he sighs in relief before he enters again and makes love to me for the next couple of hours.


*Alanna’s Point Of View*

Oh my god I feel horrible and I have no idea what is wrong with me I jump up and rush into the bathroom I barely make it before I end up getting sick I am in there for about 6 minutes before Karen walks in “Sweetie are you alright?” she asks while she kneels next to me rubbing my back “No I feel horrible and I have no idea what could possibly be wrong with me no one else seems to be sick” I tell her while resting my head on the toilet bowl “Everything will be alright love I promise” she hands me something and I look at it no she doesn’t think oh my god!!!! I look at her and she nods before walking out I take it and look at it when it’s finished oh my god I am pregnant I walked downstairs to see Liam the guys Roc Summer and the girls on the  couch “L-liam” I said my voice cracking his attention still on the Manchester game “What is it love?” “I’m pregnant” I told him walking out the front door.

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