Chapter 11 Conversations During Movies & Wedding Rings

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

We snuggled up to watch the movie I pulled Alanna closer to me as she laid her head on my chest I drew lazy circles on her arm and pressed play I know I was supposed to be watching the movie but I couldn’t help but just watch her looking at her burying her face in my chest at the scary parts as I tightened my arms around her to keep her safe from the things that were on the screen I looked over at Niall to see him holding Summer much the way that I was holding Alanna but he was whispering stuff in her ear as she was giggling and blushing I don’t know why I was so worried about them dating they are so cute together I looked back down at Alanna to see her watching me smiling I smile back “You alright love?” I asked she just nods “Then why aren’t you watching the movie?” I asked she sighs “I just had to make sure that this was my reality and I wasn’t going to suddenly wake up and you would be off with Sophia or something and I would be reading about your life  in some magazine or watching it on an interview in to” she whispers back I kiss the tip of her nose “This is real love and the only thing you are going to be reading in a magazine is when I take you off somewhere for a vacation and the paparazzi are taking pictures of how beautiful you are. As for the interviews if you cannot actually be on it with me I want you at least in the wings” I said honestly as she blushes a deep shade of pink “I love you Li” she responds before kissing m deeply and turning back to the movie “I love you too Lanna” I said holding her closer if that’s possible. *LOUIS’S POINT OF VIEW* I pull Sam into me “You ok phoo bear?” she snuggles into my side “I’m fine as long as you are here boo bear” I smile and lean down kissing her softly she kisses back “I will always be here for you no matter what I love you” “I love you too Louis forever”  “Good because I have something I want to ask you” I stand up and pull her into the kitchen she looks at me confused as I drop down to one knee and pull out  this “Samantha Rose Anderson I love you and these last 4 years have been amazing I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone else. Will you marry me?”(SORRY IF YOU DON”T LIKE THE NAME) I smile at her as she gasps and nods “Yes Louis I would love to marry you” I slip the ring on her finger and stand up pulling her into a sweet passionate  she kisses back. *NIALL’S POINT OF VIEW* I look over and notice that Lou and Sam aren’t there oh well I hold Summer closer and whisper in her ear “I know I am supposed to be watching the movie but honestly I would rather listen to your beautiful voice and see your beautiful face” I smile as she blushes I kiss her cheek making her blush harder “You are so sweet Nialler I love you” she says before kissing me I kiss back “I love you to Crazypoo” I lean in again and kiss her deeply running my fingers through her hair she kisses back wrapping her arms around my neck *HARRY’S POINT OF VIEW* insidious gets over I get up and take it out and look at Tara “Any suggestions on what we should watch now?” she smirks at me “New Moon Taylor Lautner is freaking gorgeous” (I LOVE TWILIGHT AND TAYLOR LAUTNER SO YEAH SORRRY IF YOU DON’T) I huff “He isn’t that gorgeous” “Yes he is” she says  “No he isn’t” I replied “Whatever Harold your just mad because you will never be a gorgeous as him” she smirks again god she has a sexy smirk I roll my eyes Alanna looks at her “Who are you talking about?” “Taylor Lautner” Tara replies Alanna sighs dreamily as they both get this look in their eye and stare off into space after a couple minutes Alanna speaks up “He’s gorgeous alright but Liam is everything that I need” she says before they kiss I put in love actually and sit down *ZAYN’S POINT OF VIEW* I chuckled to myself and turned back to the TV Lucia looks up at me “What’s so funny?” she asks “Oh just Harry” I replied she sits up arching an eyebrow at me “How so?” I smile at how absolutely adorable she is “He just wants Alanna’s friend Tara so badly and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him” she giggles quietly “Well at least I have you and I can’t wait for our date on Friday” she kisses me quickly gets up and walks out of the living room I must have looked like a complete idiot sitting there grinning but I don’t care I know we just met and I just asked her out but I’m already falling for her but I guess that doesn’t matter when you meet your soul mate I curl up on the couch and fall asleep dreaming of ideas for Friday.

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