Chapter 20 The Sneaky Scheme

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*Alanna's Point Of View*

"Summer I have a question for you" I told her staring at the ceiling of my hospital room god I wanna go home and cuddle up with Li on the couch and forget about how much I hurt him "what's up Lanna?" She replied snuggling closer to Ni god they are adorable "I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk with me when I can go back to your house" I said smiling at her she smiles back before replying "Sure thing I would love too but our house is yours too I do not ever want you to feel like it isnt " "Ok let's go for a walk when we get home" "Better sis oh and by the way whether you marry Liam or not you are always going to be my sister" she says I get up and hug her tightly as the doctor walks in to discharge me

*Liam's Point Of View* 

I am so glad that Alanna and Summer get on so well and neither one of them have to worry because I will make Alanna a Payne at some point in our future I smile as they hug each other she really is a great girl the doctor walks in and gives us the all clear to take her home I really hope she never does this too her self ever again I meant what I told her.

*Summer's Point Of View* 

Yay finally home and we can go on that walk as soon as Louis stops the car I kiss Niall deeply as he kisses back I smile into the kiss and pull away after about 2 minutes "Do you want to come with us?" I asked staring deep into his gorgeous eyes (see main pic) "no thanks baby I think I'm going to stay back and eat" I giggle and grab Alanna's hand and start pulling her down the street she whimpers I look at her "You want Lili huh?" She nods and sighs I giggle and roll my eyes and call him over him and the rest of the lads walk over and we head off back down the street.

*Georgia's Point Of View* 

Those fucking idiots took off after Alanna and that thing Niall calls a girlfriend so I took this as a perfect opportunity to put operation capture Nini's love into action I followed him into the house and into the kitchen "So Niall I was wondering if you would be willing to play me a song?" I asked casually leaning up against the kitchen counter "Sure thing love. Let me go get one of Liam's guitars" "Ok I will get us some lemonade" I replied smiling and going over to grab two glasses pouring the lemonade in them he smiles back and runs upstairs I quickly drop two date rape drugs in his drink and take my glass and drink some carrying his upstairs I walk I to Liam's room and hand him the glass "Here you go" I tell him sitting down next to him as he takes it and takes a big drink "This tastes a little bitter love" he says setting it down and picking up his guitar probably to tune it I look around the room and see one of Alanna's bras lying over a chair god she is such a fucking slut I looked back over at Niall to see him lying on his back staring at the ceiling with a ridiculous grin on his face perfect he's ready I stand up and strip and climb on top of him and start kissing his neck he moans low in his throat I suck harder and work on his clothes getting them off and rolling a condom on him as he fists his hands in my hair I moan quietly and line him up sitting on him so he enters me we both moan loudly in pleasure I lean down "I want you to pound me into Liam's mattress Ni" I tell him as he rolls over and starts pounding into me hard I moan loudly fisting my hands in Liam's bed sheets Niall groans "You like theft princess?!?!?" He asks moving harder with each thrust "God yes Niall I love it" "Good" he smirks before continuing half an hour later I hear the door open and there stupid fucking laughter then footsteps coming up the stairs towards Liam's room I cum hard all over his sheets and Niall collapses on top I look over at the door to see them standing there I smirk at Summer "Looks like he is mine now" I tell her before getting up getting dressed and leaving.

*Summer's Point Of View*

H-how could he do this to me?????? I look at him tears welling in my eyes "I HATE YOU NIALL JAMES HORAN WE ARE OVER!!!!!!" I tell him before running to my room and collapsing on the bed

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