Chapter 24 Operation Reunite Siall

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*Niall’s Point Of View*

Seeing him with her makes me absolutely sick and I got to think of some way to get her back. I cannot stand to see them so comfortable with each other I walk into the house to look for Alanna, she seems to be someone that is not completely mad at me I walk into Liam’s room to see her lying on the bed writing I knock softly on the door she looks up.

“Hey Niall can I help you with something?” she asks putting her book down and sitting up

I smile at her “Actually love I really could use your help” I told her sitting down next to her on the bed

She smiles back “Ok? What do you need exactly?” she asks raising an eyebrow

“Getting Summer to love me again” I told her honestly

She sighs “I can try Ni but I cannot promise you this will work” she says standing up and walking over to Liam’s desk and grabbing a note book she flips it to a blank page and grabs a pen

“So what is your first plan?” she asks looking at me expectantly

I rub the back of my neck “I uh um actually don’t have one yet”

She rolls her eyes before tossing the notebook aside and pulling out her phone

*Liam’s Point Of View*

Me and the lads were just lying on the grass unwinding after our football game when my phone beeped I look at the screen to see that it was a text from Alanna I smile and read the message

Lanna<3: Babe I need ur help :/

Me: R U OK?!?!?!?! IS IT THE BABY????

Lanna<3: We r both fine Li this is about Niall & Summer…..

Me: Oh………. What does that have to do with us?

Lanna<3: well… Nothing but he is our friend & he is hurting he wants her back I mean if that happened with us would u want 2 try 2 get me back? Plus this makes me sad for both of them I kno they still love each other deeply

Me: ok babe be up in a sec

I stop texting her and get up off the ground and walk upstairs to my room as I am about to walk in I notice a note taped to my door I take it off read it and smile then walk in

I smile at her “So you need my help girl wonder?” I ask as I lay down next to her

She giggles and runs her fingers through my hair “Holy love life batman it is absolutely horrible” she giggles I kiss her softly and look at Niall

“I am still royally pissed at you Horan and I am only doing this because she asked me to and she and our baby mean everything to me” I tell him giving him my best death glare he gulps audibly

“T-thank you mate and I truly am sorry for what I did I promise I will never screw up like that again” she says staring down at his shoes

“It’s alright by me mate but then again you did not break my heart” I tell him as I stare up at my ceiling

“Babe? What is that?” I ask staring wide eyed at the amazing batman poster above my bed

She kisses my cheek “Just a thank you for loving me even after everything I put you through”

*Niall’s Point Of View*

 God they are so perfect together and it makes me sad to know that even though I will hopefully get Summer back I know that things will never be the same between us but I promise you that I will get her to love me again. I decide to do what I do best I grabbed one of Liam’s guitars and the notebook Alanna was going to use and got to work on writing her a song. After about an hour and a half so far I came up with

Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?

I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined?

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine?

Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this,

I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl

And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world

Truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling

And somehow you caved all my walls in

So baby, say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

In love with you

I hope she really likes this song and that she will even consider taking me back.

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