Chapter 5 Meeting Summer

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*Summer’s point of view*

I walked in the house that morning from my friend Ashley’s house where I stayed the night wearing (this) “Mum I’m home” I called out walking into the living room “In the kitchen” I heard her reply I skipped in their too find her setting out 9 plates of breakfast “Good morning mum what’s with the 9 plates does Lili have Niall over?” I replied giggling “she smiles “Actually love your brother has the boys over and we also have a new guest living with us so please be nice to her” I smirk at her “Is it some poor girl Liam decided to get pregnant?” I giggle again mum turns around and gets this very scary look in her eyes you guys know that look when you say or do something wrong? Yeah that one, “Summer Elisabeth Payne you will not talk about that poor girl like that you understand?”  I roll my eyes “Geez mum it was just a joke” she sighs “Sweetie I don’t want you making fun of her ok?” “Why what’s wrong?” “Sit down and I will tell you” I take a seat at the island my mum sits across from me “Yesterday your brother called me during his second period, I of course was furious when he told me that he was coming home but I let him anyway” she smiles slightly as she continues “When he got home he came into the kitchen and he had a girl with him I would say about Harry’s age” I look at her “Um ok but what does this have to do with not making fun of her?” “I’m getting to that” “Ok sorry” I smile at her “Anyways they walked in and he introduced us I noticed that she was covered in something so Liam took her upstairs and let her get cleaned up while she was in the shower he came back down” she pauses probably to make sure I’m paying attention I nod indicating for her to continue “He came back in and we sat down and he told me that she was being bullied at school and that not only was she going through that but her parents had kicked her out and so she was living at the homeless shelter that they have in town” I gasp “You can’t be serious please tell me this is all a joke mum” I exclaimed she shakes her head sadly “I really do wish it was a joke love. But she is now staying with us so she won’t ever have to set foot in that wretched place again and I know your brother will protect her from those bullies” I smile at her “Well then I’m glad and this way I have a girl around my age to hang out with” I giggle “Do you think she would want to go shopping with me?”  I asked now bouncing in my seat with anticipation “I don’t know sweetie but you could always go see if she would like to go with you and maybe lend her some clothes the outfit she had was ruined” “Sure thing mum” I kiss her cheek and skip up to my room and over to my closet to look for an outfit for her I finally found the perfect thing and walked over to Liam’s room (the outfit for her ) I just walked right in because knowing the rest of the guys they’re still asleep well all but Liam but I know him well enough to know that he’s already up and most likely fussing over her “Lili! I found your girlfriend an outfit” I look over at him well them lying on the bed in each other’s arms still asleep.  I giggle quietly and walk over shaking her lightly “Hey love I know we haven’t met yet but I’m Liam’s sister Summer and I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me?” she blinks “Huh? Yeah sure let me just find something to wear” “No worries love I picked you out something of mine” “Oh great thank you” she smiles takes the clothes and walks into the bathroom I smirk to myself and jump on the bed Lili!!! I’m taking your girlfriend shopping” he groans and rolls over “She isn’t my girlfriend sis” he sits up and glares at me “What are you wearing?” I glance down at my Niall’s crazy mofo shirt “Nothing got to go” I run out just as Alanna comes out dressed I can hear Liam sigh *Liam’s Point of View* I swear Summer is going to be the death of me I glance up to see Alanna coming out of the bathroom dressed in something only summer would put together “Morning Li. I’m going shopping with your sister” she says I smile at her “Do you have to go?” I huffed annoyed at Summer for waking her up “Yeah sorry Li but I do I need clothes” she giggles “Alright love don’t be too long”  “Yes daddy” she giggles kisses my cheek and skips out.

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