Chapter 3 We Have Each Other Right?

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*Alanna’s point of view*

I finished my shower and got out dried off and got dressed in the outfit Liam gave me just as I was finishing putting my hair up  I heard my ringtone for my best friend in the whole entire world Tara *Don't try to make me stay or ask if I'm okay I don't have t-* “Hello?” I answered “Lanna!!!!” “Are you ok?!?!? Chris told me what happened when you didn’t show up to choir today” I giggle softly “Hey Tar” “Yeah I’m fine I promise” “Good you better be. But you know what I am sick and tired of us getting bullied and no one doing a thing about it” I sigh “What are you getting at Tara?” she sighs exasperated “I’m talking about us standing up for ourselves and  the countless other people they bully taking a stand against these jerks”  “ Ok Tara I understand now but I don’t think that standing up to them is a very good idea” she huffs  and I swear I could hear her rolling her eyes “Well it needs to be done and I’ m doing it so there” she giggles “Tar I love you but your insane” “Yeah well that is just why you love me”  “Are you sure about that one?” I snicker “oh shut up Lanna, ugh I have to go dinner is ready. You’re going to be there tomorrow right?” “Yeah I’ll be there” “Good, you better be. Bye!”(in case you want to see what Tara looks like & know some of the things she is into here) after Tara hangs  I flop down on the bed in Liam’s room next thing I know his bedroom door opens and he skips in I giggle. “Why so happy?” he skips the rest of the way over to the bed and flops down beside me grinning like a mad man. “My mum said you’re moving in with us love” I look at him from my phone my mouth falling open in shock “Really?” “Yes love really there is no way we are letting you go back to that shelter”  I smile at him like an idiot and hug him tightly burying my face in his chest “Thank you all so much” “Of course love so your friend seems lovely”  I giggle “Yeah she’s really great but she actually can’t stand you guys” “Oh really?” he  said looking down at me with those beautiful warm chocolate eyes  of his “Yeah” I replied breathlessly I clear my throat “Although I can’t understand why you guys really are amazing” I smile shyly at him. “So you’re a fan then?” he smiles I nod “Yeah I am” I reply smiling back “Good love I’m glad you don’t hate me like a lot of people do” I gasp quietly “What do you mean people hate you?” “I thought you go on stage almost every night and have tween and teenage girls screaming your name” he sighs “I do but the whole reason we moved here was because the bullying I was receiving was getting worse since I became a member of one direction” I look at him tears silently slipping down my face “Li, that’s horrible I had no idea you were still dealing with that.” I hug him tightly “It’s alright love don’t worry about me.” I sigh “How can I not worry about you? I know you never met me up until today but I knew who you were and, hearing that you got bullied broke my heart and it kills me too know that you still do.” I hug him tightly crying into his chest as he wraps me in his strong warm embrace I pull away 5 minutes later “Sorry it just really does bother me because you are such an amazing person.” He smiles softly and kisses my cheek “It’s alright love we have each other right?” I kiss his cheek and nod “yeah Liam we do” I hug him again just as there is a knock on the door we both look over Liam smiles “Hey dad” “Hi son who’s this beautiful girl?” I blush “This is Alanna dad” I smile at him. “Hello Mr. Payne thank you for letting me live with you.““Your most welcome love and please  call me Geoff” he smiles back “I just came to let you know that dinner is ready and also that the lads are here” he walks out Liam groans I turn to him “Do I need to change?” he shakes his head “No love your perfect  now come on lets go downstairs.”

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