Chapter 26 Wedding Bells

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*Louis point of View*

 So Sam and I decided not to tell anyone but we want to get married as soon as possible I know what you are thinking and no she is not pregnant we just really want to be married and I feel like this would be the perfect time to get married I parked the car outside of the beach house and pulled sam off to the side

“Babe I do not want to wait any longer” I told her looking deep into her eyes

“What do you mean Lou?” she asked looking at me concern clearly written all over her face

“It isn’t anything bad Phoobear I promise I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to get married here?” I asked chuckling slightly

“I would love that baby” she said jumping into my arms and kissing me

I catch her and kiss her back carrying her into the house we hear everyone in the kitchen so I carry her in there and swt her down on her feet taking her hand in mine and lacing our fingers together I clear my throat and everyone looks up

“Guys we have something we would like to say” I told them as Sam squeezed my hand a bit tighter

“What is it mate?” Harry asked taking a bite of his toast

“We decided that we want to get married while we are here” I told everyone

As soon as those words left my mouth the girls sprang into action Alanna jumped up and gently took Sam’s hand pulling her too her looking at Liam

“Babe you guys take Lou out and go find suits or something the girls and I will get ready and help Sam get ready as well. Oh and Liam I love you” she says before her and the girls drag Sam out of the kitchen and out of site

Liam blushes and we walk outside and get back in the car we drive around before finding a tuxedo shop I park and walk in

A sales lady approaches us all smiles “Welcome to Bora Bora tuxedo. My name is Rachel how can I help you gentleman today?” she asks looking at each one of us Liam steps forward

“Hello Rachel we are here because my friend Louis here is getting married and we need to find tuxedos” he tells her politely pointing to me

“Well you guys are in luck because that is what we specialize in here follow me” she says with a laugh and walks over to a bunch of suits

After about an hour and a half of looking around we finally decide on these suits and pay for them

“Congratulations Louis and good luck” she says before we walk out we get back to the house and all the girls but Sam are sitting on the porch and they are wearing these dresses

“Hey girls you look beautiful is Sam ready?” they nod and we go get ready and we go out back  where they have everything  set up for a beach wedding <3 <3


We are standing there waiting when Sam comes out in this amazing dress<3 I smile from ear to ear as the preacher starts the vows

 We are gathered here to unite these two hearts in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate. Into this, these two now come to be joined. If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

Samantha, will you have this man as your lawful wedded partner, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live? (I will).

Louis, will you have this woman as your lawful wedded partner, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live? (I will).


Behold the symbol of wedlock. The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of these souls united here today. May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love.

Please join hands and repeat after me Samantha.

I, Samantha take Louis, as my wedded partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

I, Louis  take Samantha as my wedded partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

For as much as Louis and Samantha  and have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands.

By the authority vested in me by the country of Bora Bora I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson. You may kiss the bride.

I dip Sam and kiss her incredibly passionately she kisses back

“I love you Mrs. Tomlinson” I tell her before picking her up and carrying her in the house

“I love you too Mr. Tomlinson” she says before kissing me again running her fingers through my hair

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