Chapter 18 She Said Her Name Was.......

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*Alanna’s Point Of View*

I woke up and it felt like I was being crushed I looked down and figured out my reason for feeling like that Liam was laying on top of me with his head on my chest god he is so adorable when he is asleep I smile softly and run my fingers through his hair *I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love* I groan hearing my phone I reach over and grab it sliding the screen to unlock it

G: hey cuz heard ur in the hospital

A: ya I am y do u care?!?!?!?

G: I don’t just wanted u 2 kno tht I kno & also I think Niall is fucking gorgeous he will b mine u wait & c


G: Whatevs cuz ttyl

I groan and run my fingers through my hair Liam stirs blinking up at me sleepily I giggle and kiss his nose “Hey baby”  “Hi beautiful are you feeling any better?” he asks kissing my cheek  “Yeah I am thanks baby and I am so sorry for everything I love you” I told him in all honesty “I love you too he replied before kissing me deeply I kiss back smiling into the kiss I deepen it running my fingers through his hair I start to move down to his neck going to suck on his sweet spot we I stop upon hearing someone clear their throat I look up to see the guys and girls standing there laughing. I blush a deep shade of red.

*Louis Point Of View*

It is really good to see that she is feeling better and I’m happy that they are back together but I did not want to see that happen especially in a hospital room. She is absolutely adorable when she blushes “Hi love how are you feeling?” I asked to take some of her embarrassment away “Fine thanks Lou and thank you for bringing me. I really am sorry about what happened” “No need to apologize love we are just all so glad you are ok” I smile at her “Thank you, you guys for everything it means a lot to me that you care so much”

*Zayn’s Point Of View*

God poor thing feels so alone but it is really good to see her up and smiling I look at her “No need to thank us love like Louis said I am just glad you are ok we all are” I told her pulling Lucia tight against my body holding her close as she quietly cries in my shoulder.

*Unknown’s Point of View*

As I was texting Alanna I decided to change into something to catch Niall’s attention because I mean come on who does not want that sexy Irish god we well unless you are Alanna she likes them damn brits (NO HATE TO BRITISH PEOPLE I HAVE BRITISH IN ME SO YEAH) anyways enough about her weird fascination with Liam Payne I went and chose an outfit and got back to the hospital knocking on her door they all looked up at me “Hi I’m Georgia Rose I’m Alanna’s Cousin” I noticed Niall glance at my outfit yeah he so wants me. 

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