Chapter 33 It Was All Just A Dream

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

I woke up to see my mom dad Summer and the lads sitting in a bunch of uncomfortable looking chairs I noticed my mom was sitting in the chair closest to me so I reached out and touch her hand her eyes flew open and she looked at me letting out a strangled gasp

“Mum what’s going on? Where is Alanna” I asked her

“Sweetie you are in the hospital you fell off stage in Rio and hit your head so hard it caused you to have such a bad concussion that you have been in a coma for the last year. Who is Alanna?”  she finally asked after explaining to me where we were

“No mom that is not possible I was in the hospital because my fiancée Alanna lost our baby so I slit my wrists and ended up killing myself but then I talked to Nan and she said that the baby was still alive and so I came back reentered my body then she slapped me and we cried then she sang me a song that Niall helped her write. Then we fell asleep with me holding her  and NOW I wake up to you telling me that she isn’t real or whatever and that I have REALLY BEEN IN A COMA FOR THE LAST FUCKING YEAR” I yelled at my mum causing everyone else to wake up

My mum looks back at my dad “Geoffrey can you get the doctor for me??” she said clearly frazzled and upset

“Sure love” my dad says before running out to get the doctor I turn to Summer

“Sis you believe me right?” I asked desperate for someone to tell me that everything my mom was telling me was just a lie

“Li I watched you fall off stage and hit your head. Mum is telling the truth” she said gently reaching out to squeeze my hand

I jerked my hand away and looked at her “Why are you lying to me???”

“I’m not lying to you Liam besides I have no idea who this Alanna is but you better not let Sophia here you talk about some other girl or she is surely going to lose it” she said sitting down and cuddling into Niall

“I am not with Sophia we broke up a long time ago!!!!” I said sighing in frustration

Zayn looks up at me “Mate you and Sophia are still together you guys broke up for like a week and then got back together” he said pulling out his phone

“No I swear to god that I am not dating her “ I said just as my dad the doctor and of course Sophia walked in

She ran over and through her arms around my neck “Oh my god Li I am so glad that you are awake I hav missed you so much I thought you would never wake up!” she said crying into my neck

I shove her away from me and look at the doctor “Doc you have to believe me I was in here because I cut myself because my fiancée lost our baby and I thought it was all my fault so I ended up killing myself but then I saw my nan and she said I had a decision to make so I chose to come back and help Alanna raise the baby” I told him

Before he can say anything Sophia looks at me placing her hand on her hips “Who the fuck is this girl???”

I glare at her “The love of my life and the mother of my future child! Now get the hell out of here”  I said being the coldest I have ever been to anyone

“No way you just hit your head Li you do not know what your saying” she said sitting down next to Harry I growled at her as someone walked through the door I looked up into Alanna’s hazel eyes

“Sorry to interrupt you guys” she said walking over and standing next to the doctor

I smile at her “It’s ok Lanna I’m so glad that you are here” I told her honestly

She looks at me funny and turns to the doctor “Right anyways dad mom said you forgot you lunch so she had me bring it to you” she told him

“Thanks sweetie I will see you guys at home for dinner tonight” he told her she nodded and turned to leave I looked at her

“Please don’t leave me Lanna. I need you” I told her desperately tears filling my eyes

She turns back around and looks at me “What are you talking about?” she asked confusion clearly written all over her face

You and I are dating well actually were getting married. You see we are engaged and you are pregnant with my child we thought you lost the baby so I decided to cut myself and I  cut to deep and killed myself then I saw my Nan and she told me that the baby was alive and I could either stay dead and watch you raise him with another man or I could come back and raise the baby with you” I told her staring deep into her eyes

She arches an eyebrow at me “Um I never realized you hit your head THAT hard Liam”

“I swear it is all true. It started out with me coming into your English class and you got picked on by that girl and then we walked to math class and her boyfriend dumped a slushy on you so I took you back to my house and my mum and dad let you live with us and then we did a whole bunch of things and fought I even wrote you a song”

She smiles slightly “That is really sweet of you but none of that happened Liam”  

I sigh and run a hand through my hair looking at Sophia “You need to leave please” she stands up huffs shoves past Alanna almost knocking her over and storms out of the room

I turn back to Alanna “Sorry love, are you ok?” I asked as she steadied herself

“Yeah Liam I’m fine” she said

“Good I’m glad” I told her leaning back into my pillows

The doctor looks at me “Seems like you have quite the imagination there Liam” he says after checking over everything

I just nod never taking my eyes off her face. I may have been asleep this whole time but I know that I dreamed of her for a reason and she came in when I woke up for a reason I may not know her but I swear to you that will change and whatever the universe decides to throw at us we will conquer that and We Will Find A Way Through The Dark.


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