Chapter 23 Conversations & Gifts

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

Oh my god she is pregnant and she just walked out on me I get up and follow her to see her walking down the block I jog over to her and spin her around kissing her gently yet passionately I can feel and taste the tears falling down her face I pull away and rest my forehead against hers “Baby that is the most amazing news anyone has ever told me even more so than when the doctors told me my kidneys are now both functioning properly” she smiles and pecks my lips again “So you are not mad at me?” she asks wiping away her tears “Of course not baby girl I could never be mad at you. You and this baby are my life and I could never be mad at you” I told her staring deep into her hazel eyes. She blushes and looks down at her shoes I pick her up bridal style and carry her back to the house I carry her in and back into the living room to see everyone still sitting there I look at Summer “Hey sis where is mum and dad?” I asked her “In there room” she replied poking Roc in the cheek I rolled my eyes as Alanna giggled. I carried her upstairs to my mum and dad’s room and knocked “Come in” I heard my dad call out I walked in to see him lying on the bed watching the football match and my mum sitting next to him reading I walk in and clear my throat my mum looks up and smiles softly at Alanna “I take it that it came out positive love?” she nods before jumping out of my arms and walks over into my mum’s waiting ones “Come on sweetie you Summer and I can go shopping for everything you are going to need in the beginning of all of this” she tells her before they walk out and downstairs. I sit down on the edge of my dad’s bed and cuddle into him he strokes my hair and I feel myself falling asleep fast.

*Alanna’s Point Of View*

Karen Summer and I are at the store and I am happy that they are taking the time to help me and get me everything that I am going to need but really I just want to go back home cuddle up with Liam on the couch and watch the toy story trilogy maybe even take a nap but I know that I need to get this stuff and they have been so amazing to me I think I will go get them something “Karen. I have to use restroom” she nodded and I walked off in search of finding her Geoff Liam and Summer the perfect gift I stopped by the stuffed animals and picked out this for Summer next I stopped  and got Karenthese and these next was Geoff I went and got him  this I went and grabbed Liam  this and a gift card  to Jack Willis I grabbed gift cards for everyone else and went to look for Summer and Karen I spot them over in the food section of the store just as they are about to leave I walk over “Hey guys sorry I took so long I am really not feeling well is there anyway would could go home?” I ask holding my stomach Karen nods “Sure sweetie lets go we check out and get back to the house everyone is outside playing soccer so I figured now is the perfect time to set up their gifts Summer and Karen head out there to join them so I go set Karen and Geoff’s gifts on their bed and go do the same to Summers room I walk into the room I share with Liam and set his gift card on the desk and hang his poster above the bed I then write out a quick note and tape it to his door


I bought you a couple things today just to show you how much I love you and how much I appreciate everything you have done for me so far I love you Batman – forever your Robin

P.S. the other’s gifts are there too except for Summer’s

I tape the note to his door and go run myself a bubble bath and relax falling asleep almost immediately

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