Chapter 21 Poor Li

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

I cannot even begin to tell you how absolutely fucking disgusted I am and really I am upset because not only did he do that too my baby sister but everyone seems to be able to get intimate with the person they are with. I know that once Harry finally gets the nerve to ask Tara they will go at it Sam and Lou have been doing it for at least a year and I know eventually Zayn and Lucia will take that next step. “WHAT IN THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU NIALL” I screamed at him walking over and shaking him he looks like a deer caught in headlights like this “I have no idea what just happened” I scoffed slapping him hard across the face “FIRST YOU BROKE SUMMER’S HEART WHICH I TOLD YOU NEVER TO DO SECOND YOU HAD SEX WITH THAT FUCKING UGLY SLUT IN MY FUCKING BED YOU STUPID FUCKING DOUCHEBAG GO OUT AND BUY ME A BED!!!!!” I yelled at him grabbing his clothes shoving them at him and throwing him out the door I sit down on my desk chair and just start to bawl my eyes out

*Alanna’s Point Of View*

Oh my god poor Liam I love him but I cannot stand to look at that any longer I promise you it will make me sick I quietly make my way out of Liam’s room and over to Summer’s and walk in “Summer? Let’s go do something” I tell her sitting down next to her and rubbing her back “L-like w-what?” she mutters brokenly into her pillow “The mall” I tell her before going to get ready in  this when I walk out of the bathroom I walk over and sit on Liam’s lap “Babe I am gonna take Summer shopping I will see you later I love you” I told him before kissing him and walking out to find Summer wearing  this :) I giggle looking at her phone case “So you are a Mindless Behavior fan huh?” I said walking downstairs and out to the car Summer following closely behind me “Yeah I am” she replied getting in the car. I get in and drive to the mall “That’s cool I responded getting out of the car we walked inside and I looked at her “I am gonna go get something want to meet at the food court in say 15 minutes?” “Sure” I smile at her before walking off.

*Summer’s Point Of View*

After Alanna disappeared into the crowed I decided to just walk around for a bit before deciding on going into my all-time favorite store. I’m just playing angry birds on my phone making my way over too Game Stop and the next thing I know I am flat on my ass staring up into the gorgeous face of the one and only Roc Royal <3 “Oh my god are you alright?!?!?” he asks  helping me up I smile at him “I’m alright. Sorry I was not watching where I was going” “It’s ok I’m Roc by the way” he replies smiling back “Summer nice to meet you” “You too beautiful. Would you like to shop with me?” “Sure that would be cool” I told him as we started walking we walked around before we spotted Alanna and Liam sitting on a bench cuddling, talking and of course kissing. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear as she blushed deeply. God they are so adorable together I am so glad that she is still alive and didn’t actually succeed in killing herself I smiled at Ro and we went and stood in front of them “Hi guys” I said smiling at them they looked up Alanna smiling back “Hey Sum sorry Li showed up” “It’s fine Lanna I promise” “Great” she glances at rock and raises an eyebrow giving me a knowing smirk “Who is this cutie?” she says as Liam growls in her ear and pulls her closer “This Is Roc. Roc this is my sis Alanna and my actually bro Liam” they smile at him he looks at them confused

*Liam’s Point Of View*

“She is my girlfriend mate and summer wants them to be sisters so yeah” I told him chuckling at his expression “Now if you excuse me I am taking my girl home you guys have fun” I said as I picked Alanna up took her to my car and drove home carrying her up to my room she smiles at the new room “they redid your whole room?” she asks I nod and lay on the bed kissing her slowly she kisses back and sits up “I will be right back she says as she gets up and grabs a bag walking into the bathroom she walks out 10 mins later wearing this ;) I sit up I can already feel myself getting hard she walks over to me and leans down next to my ear I moan loudly “I want you Liam” 

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