Chapter 4 Meeting The Lads

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*Liam’s Point of View*

“No you look perfect love now let’s go downstairs” I said she giggles “Ok” she replied I smile at her and pick her up bridal style carrying her downstairs and into the kitchen where my mum dad and the lads were already seated at the table I set her down on her feet and we sat down me next to Zayn and her in between Harry and Louis. I look around at the boys “I didn’t know you were coming over  tonight mates” I said as we all got some of my mom’s homemade fish n chips Niall being his usual self takes like 4 pieces of fish 3 servings of mushy peas and 2 giant mounds of coleslaw he looks up before taking a bite “Your mom invited us over to meet your new roommate” he said before he takes a bite of his food I look over at Alanna to see her giggling at him “Oh well ok then but Niall stop eating like that you’re going to gross her out mate” she  giggles a bit louder and looks over at me “It’s ok Li. that doesn’t bother me” Louis snickers from beside her “Yeah Li she doesn’t mind” I glare at him “Shut it Tomlinson” he puts his hands up in surrender “Sorry daddy I won’t make fun of mummy anymore” she giggles blushing a light shade of pink I roll my eyes as we finish off my mums dinner Niall of course eating the most of it which is not surprising at all, but what did surprise me was her eating almost as much as Niall. She looks over at my mum “Thank you for dinner Karen it was absolutely delicious”  I swear to you my mum’s smile just now could light the whole stadium at Madison square garden “Thank you sweetie I’m glad you enjoyed it” Alanna smiles back stands up and starts clearing the table. I look at her “You don’t have to do that love” she smiles and kisses my cheek “I don’t mind now go relax with the guys” Harry looks over at me “Come on mate lets go get changed and go down to your movie room” I look at them suspiciously “What makes you think you’re staying the night?” my dad chuckles next to me “I did son don’t worry” “But dad what if she doesn’t want them staying over right now?” Louis smirks at me “I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind having us over” “Right love?”  she walks over and grabs some more dishes “Of course not I’ll make some popcorn when I’m done cleaning and bring it in” harry kisses her cheek “Thanks babe you’re the best” him Louis Niall and Zayn walk upstairs I turn to her “Are you sure you don’t mind having them stay love?” “I’m sure Li now go get changed” I kiss her softly and run upstairs the boys are going through their clothes in my closet we all decide on these Zayn chuckles and looks at me “Are you trying to get into her pants already mate?” I glance down at what I’m wearing and glare at him “Shut up mate” “It isn’t like that with her” “Sure mate then why are you wearing boxer shorts?” I huff and glare at him “Because I can now shut up” the lads chuckle there is a soft knocking on the door and a couple seconds later Alanna calls out “Are you guys ready?” Niall walks over and opens it smiling at her “Were ready love” she glances at me with a smirk on her face “I thought Harry was the one with the problem with pants Li” I blush as dark as tomato sauce she laughs and skips over kissing my cheek “I’m just kidding I love them” she winks and skips out the boys burst out laughing I glare at them and follow her downstairs. We walk into the movie room and she’s sitting on one of the couches with about 10 bowls of popcorn and 20 different kinds of candy. Niall gasps and looks at her “if Liam wasn’t already truly madly deeply head of heels in love with you I would so make you my princess” she raises an eyebrow at him “No thanks Niall your sweet and all but I don’t see you that way” I laugh loudly sit down next to her and pull her into my lap “So what movie do you want to watch love?” she turns around so she’s looking at me stroking an imaginary beard “can we watch Grease?” “Sure love” Louis squeals and puts it in. After Grease and 3 movies later I look down and she’s fast asleep on my chest “Mates lets go to bed yeah she’s passed out” they all stand up and I slowly stand up holding her close Zayn looks around “Are we all  sleeping in your room mate?” “Yeah we can but her and I are sharing my bed so you lot get the floor” they nod and we walk up to my room I gently lay her down and cover her over crawling in beside her I’m passed out in a matter of seconds.

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