Chapter 12 Announcement & Teases

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*Karen’s Point of View*

Geoff and I get home that next morning from our date night out to see the boys and a couple girls we have never seen before all cuddled up either on the floor or on the couches I smiles to myself and walk into the kitchen to put away our leftovers and start on breakfast for everyone. ”Geoff can you come in here a minute” I called out after putting some eggs in a pan he walks in and sits at the table “Yes love? What is it?” he asked opening the paper on the table “Did you see Summer and Niall? Do you think they are together?” I asked pulling some sausage and turkey bacon out of the fridge “It would seem so love” he answered I smile to myself and get back to cooking breakfast *ALANNA’S POINT OF VIEW* I quietly sit up as to not wake Liam and make my way upstairs I take a shower and get dressed in this<3 when I finish I throw my hair up in a ponytail and walk downstairs gently shaking Liam “Baby it’s 5” I said he opens his eyes “Morning love” he said smiling at me I smile back “Go get dressed I want to go to Disneyland today” “Ok love” he replies I kiss him and he walks upstairs I wake everyone else they all come down the girls wearing this and the guys wearing these “Ready?” I asked smiling at them everyone nodded Summer and I raced out to the car and got in the very back seat. I turn to her “So where do you want to go first?” she strokes her imaginary beard I giggle “To the rollercoasters duh” “Woo yeah” I look at Liam “Babe Hurry up I want to get there so we can ride some rides before you guys get mobbed” he smiles and starts driving *SAM”S POINT OF VIEW* I looked out the window as Liam drove off to the amusement park god I can’t wait to marry Louis I lean over and kiss him softly whispering in his ear “I want to tell them today boo bear” “Anything for you Phoo bear” he nods and kisses me again quickly I lay my head on his shoulder falling asleep quickly *10 HOURS LATER* I’m jolted awake by the car stopping Louis gently shakes me “Come on Love were here” I rub the sleep out of my eyes and hop out grabbing my suitcase we get checked into the hotel I stop everyone before they walk over to the elevator “Guys when you get settled in can you guys meet us in our room we have an announcement” they all nod Louis picks me up bridal style and walks into our room I unpack and lay on the bed pulling Louis down on top of me “I love you so much I have no idea what I did to deserve you  but I’m so glad I have you” he says before kissing me deeply I kiss back and roll him over so I’m on top of him moving slowly down to his neck he moans lowly in the back of his throat I go to take off my shirt as there is a knock on the door Louis groans and goes over and opens it letting everyone into the room *SUMMER’S POINT OF VIEW* we walked into the room and I sat down on Niall’s lap “What’s the big news I asked?” playing with Niall’s hair absentmindedly Lou takes a deep breath before he screams out “I ASKED HER TO MARRY ME LAST NIGHT AND SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* he practically squeals I giggle and  smile at him “Congrats Tommo now if you don’t mind me and Nialler are gonna go eat food and hang out at the park definitely and do stuff Lili would NEVER APPROVE OF” I giggle and run out pulling Niall with me *LIAM’S POINT OF VIEW* “Congratulations Tommo I’m happy for you but now I have to go kill those too” I say before following them out Alanna smiles at them and follows me out grabbing my arm before I can step onto the elevator “Let me go babe” “No Li” “Why the hell not? I have to stop them from having sex” I said running my fingers through my hair she smiles at me “I know your worried because she’s your little sister but think of it this way” she says leaning up to whisper in my ear “If you stop them from having sex don’t expect to get any from me and I think you should know that I never wear panties” she winks I moan loudly and she hops in the elevator it takes off before I even have a chance to register that she is gone damn her and her ability to drive me absolutely bloody mad I swear that she will be the death of me.

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