Chapter 10 The Sleepover (Part 2)

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*Sam’s point of view*

I smiled at Liam as he carried Alanna back into the living room and sat down on the couch with her in his lap holding her in that protective yet loving way he seems to have down so well he really is an amazing guy and I’m glad he found someone that is not going to hurt him I looked around at everyone “So guys who wants to play a game?” I asked Zayn nods “Sure but what game?” “SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!” Louis screams out I giggle and kiss him “Calm down boo bear” he kisses back “Sorry baby bear” he says before pulling me into his lap I snuggle into him Alanna sits up from Liam’s lap “How do you play?” she asks quietly looking at me I smile softly at  her “You spin the bottle and the whoever it lands on you ask them a truth or dare question” “Ok” she looks at Liam “I wanna play Li” “Ok baby” he responds kissing her softly she kisses back Niall gets up and comes back in with a bottle and sits down on the floor we all sit down with him and I spin it lands on Niall *NIALL’S POINT OF VIEW* Misty spun the bottle and it landed on me I look up at her and before she can even ask the question I respond “Dare” I said she smiles looking between Summer and myself “I dare you to do something you would normally never ever do” she responds smiling at me I smile back and walk over to Summer gently picking her up and crashing my lips against hers softly yet passionately I wrap my arms around her waist tightly and deepen the kiss as she runs her fingers through my hair like 7 minutes later someone clears their throat I pull away and rest my forehead against  hers “Summer Elisabeth Payne I have been in love with you from the moment I met you and if it wasn’t for Sam I probably would have never had the courage to ask you” I take a deep breath “Crazypoo will you make me the happiest guy alive and say yes to being my princess?” she smiles the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen from any girl and nods “I was waiting for you to ask Ni” I kiss her one last time and sit down pulling her onto my lap out of he corner of my eye I notice Alanna pulling Liam out of the room and he looks upset I know how protective of Summer he is but he should now I would take a bullet for her before I even think of hurting her *ALANNA’S POINT OF VIEW* that was so sweet of Niall I’m happy that they are happy but now I know Liam is royally pissed and I have to calm him down “Li I know your angry but just think of how happy both Summer and Niall are for us. I think it is only fair that you are happy for them also don’t you?” he sighs deeply running a hand through his hair “Yeah I guess your right love It’s just she is my little sister and I worry about her” “I know you do baby but she is not going to be little forever and everyone knows Niall would take a bullet for her before he ever thought about hurting her” I replied “Yeah your right I love you Lanna” I love you too Li. Also I’m always right never forget that” I wink at him before skipping back into the living room and sitting down between Tara and Lucia.*LIAM’S POINT OF VIEW* god she is just so amazing I love her  to death and she is right they support us so the least I could do is support them I follow Alanna back into the living room and look at Niall and Summer cuddled on the couch “Niall you have my blessing to date my sister but trust me you do not want to see what happens if you hurt her” I pick Alanna up and sit in the chair holding her close *LUCIA’S POINT OF VIEW* I smiled at them all and smiled shyly at Zayn he grinned back at me and motioned me over I got up and sat down next to him he smiled “Why don’t we watch a movie?” I asked as everyone nodded Harry looked up from his phone “But what movie?” “Insidious?” I suggested everyone nodded so I go up and went to the kitchen to make some popcorn as Liam put the movie after the third bag had popped I took it out and put it in a bowl and then put some more in the microwave I turned around and noticed Zayn standing in the doorway “Hi Zayn” I smiled at him he smiled back “Hi Lucia need any help?” “I got it but thank you though” “Of course love” I blush slightly and look at him he smiles “I was uh wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me next Friday?” he asks scratching the back of his neck blushing slightly “I would love that Zayn” I smile at him he smiles back and carries most of the popcorn into the kitchen I follow him with the rest of the bowls and sit down next to him as Liam starts the movie and snuggles back into Alanna I peek up at Zayn to see he is still blushing god he’s cute when he blushes.

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