Chapter 25 Really Summer?!

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*Niall’s Point Of View*

I finished off polishing up what I had so far and made my way out of Liam’s room so that I could go look for Summer I really hope she takes me back I know that I might seem like I am doing fine but I am an absolute mess without her and it kills me to know that I lost her because of my own stupidity and now I have to fight to get her away from that Roc kid. What in the bloody hell kind of a name is Roc anyway it makes him sound gay I bet he is a closet gay. I walk around the house looking for her and don’t see her or Roc but I do see Tara and Harry talking in the corner I don’t see why they don’t just start going out already I mean the sexual tension between the is suffocating.

“Hey mate have you guys seen Summer anywhere?” I ask them

Harry looks up “No mate but did you try her room?” he asks

I shake my head and walk back upstairs to look for Summer in her room as I am walking I start to think about what else I could do to get her back if my song does not work I shake those thoughts and keep walking I cannot think like that right now I have to take this one step at a time. If I overthink this too much I am going to freak myself out and completely bail on this whole plan. I make my way down the hallway looking at all of Liam and Summer’s baby pictures I chuckle to myself and I get to Summers room I am so nervous that I cannot even look up at the door but I notice that it is open a bit I push it open looking down at my shoes.

“Summer I need to talk to you” I said quietly looking up to see her and Roc making out SHIRTLESS with HER on top of HIM!!!!!

I let out a noise that sounds somewhere between a gasp and a sob and quickly make my way out of her room and running down the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs I bump straight in to Lucia and Zayn knocking both of them over in the process Zayn landing right on top of her I shout a sorry over my shoulder and keep running outside and away from the house and the heartbreak that I know I deserve. But even though I know that I deserve it, it sure does still sting like a son of a bitch.

*Zayn’s Point Of View*

So Niall ran into Lucia and I making us both fall I of course landed on top of her god I am such a fucking klutz I quickly got up and help her up

“Sorry baby are you?’ I asked as she got to her feet

“I’m fine babe no need to apologize I actually love it when you are on top of me” she says with a wink as she walks away from me

I moan and follow her wrapping my arms around her waist “That can be arranged anytime you want beautiful. In fact how about right now?” I tell her as I nibble on her she nods as I feel her body tremble

I pick her up and carry her up to Liam’s room and walk in to see them making out on the bed shirtless I chuckle being pregnant must make her super horny I chuckle and nuzzle Lucia’s neck pulling her even closer to my body

“Liam mate I have a question” I ask him as I suck lightly on the shell of Lucia’s ear she moans softly as Liam moves down to Alanna’s neck

After eliciting a moan from his girlfriend he finally looks at me and his eyes are blown with pure lusthe sort of growls at me

“What do you want?” he asks his voice all low and husky

I chuckle “I was wondering if we could borrow your beach house for a few days you know” I give him a wink

*Lucia’s Point Of View*

I jump out of Zayn’s arms making him groan in the process and Alanna and I both look at each other

”Wait you guys have a beach house?” I ask Liam getting super crazy excited

“Yeah why?” he says pulling Alanna close to his body

“Can we all go?” I ask nearly jumping up and down

“I don’t know I mean I was kind of in the middle of something” he said looking at Alanna

She runs her hands up and down his chest “Please can we please go baby?”

“Fine babe, go pack a bag and let’s get everyone together” Liam tells Alanna and we both squeal

We all pack and walk outside to see Niall and everyone else sitting around the cars we walk over and I get in the back with Zayn and Alanna Liam looks at her all sad I giggle

“Go sit with Niall Payne she is mine” I tell him hugging her as we giggle

“No you are mine” Zayn says pulling me into him I giggle and wiggle out of his grip

“it’s ok Zayn we have each other” Liam says holding on to him tightly as he sits on his lap we all laugh as Louis drives to the airport and we get on a plane when we get to the  beach house I am in complete aw this is going to be an amazing vacation

To think I get to spend it with theses amazing people that I call my best friends and the love of my life.


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