Chapter 31 The Decision Is Yours

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

After crying myself to sleep I woke up like an hour later and just pulled Alanna tightly into my chest stroking her hair God I feel like such a failure I failed her I failed our baby although they said it was neither of our faults maybe her being with me is the reason she lost the baby maybe me being famous is the reason she miscarried.

I quietly get up and walking into the bathroom closing and locking the door pulling a razor  out of the cabinet very slowly sliding it sideways across my wrist watching the blood drip slowly from the cut into the white sink staining it red after about 10 minutes I slowly slide down the  wall closing my eyes.

*Alanna’s Point Of View*

I rolled over to find that Liam wasn’t in bed with me anymore I sat up and looked around the room to notice the light to the bathroom was on I got out of bed and walked over knocking softly

“Liam baby are you in there?”  I asked getting no response

I tried the handle to find that it was locked which is weird Liam never locks the door I was about to call out to him again when my phone started ringing I walked  over and picked it up noticing it was an unknown number  I quickly slide the screen pressing the phone up to my ear

“Hello?” I asked sitting down on the bed

“Yes this is Dr Francis from the hospital is there a Ms. Alanna Johnson there please” the doctor said

“this is she” I responded placing the phone between my shoulder and my head

“Hello Ms. Johnson I was just calling to inform you that we made a mistake and you are in fact still pregnant with Mr. Payne’s child” she said

I squealed and then let out a gasp as I saw blood slowly making its way from underneath the door staining the pure white carpet of the bedroom

“D-dr Francis send an ambulance to 489 Cherry Ave (Just a made up address I do not know if it is real) I think Liam hurt himself” I said before hanging up and screaming for one of the other boys

Harry runs in “What’s wrong love???” he asked I point to the door he gasps and start ramming his shoulder into the door after about 5 minutes he breaks down the door I run in and over to Liam and check his pulse he does not have one……..

I look up at Harry tears spilling from my eyes “H-harry he d-doesn’t have a p-p-pulse” I stutter out as he siren from the ambulance wails outside

*Liam’s Point Of View*

I slowly open my eyes to see that I wasn’t in the bathroom anymore but an endless hallway. After walking for what felt like hours I stumbled upon my Nan. Wait a minute she passed away like a year ago (I have no idea if she is still a live or not I apologize to the Payne family if she is not that any of you will read this. This is just purely for the purpose of my story)

“Nan what is going on?” I asked confusion clearly written all over my face

“Liam you are dead but I was sent to tell you that it does not have to stay that way” she said placing her hand on my shoulder

“What is the point nan I have nothing left to live for, Alanna lost the baby all because of me and my life style” I told her my eyes becoming glassy

“Oh Liam you guys did not lose the baby. The doctors made a mistake now you have a choice to make you can either stay here to watch as Alanna moves on and raises the baby with another man. Or you can do the right thing and go back to your fiancée and raise my grandchild like you are supposed to” she said giving me a very hard stare

“I know what I have to do Nan but before I leave. I have to know what gender is the baby?” I asked not really caring what we have as long as it is safe happy and healthy

“A boy now go because if you stay any longer you will not be able to go back” she say hugging me

I hug her back as I get dragged back down the hallway and transported into a hospital room I look down to see Alanna holding on to my body as it lays there completely still I smile to myself as my soul is sucked back into my body I gasp and open my eyes to see her wide eyed tear stained face

“Hey baby girl” I tell her smiling at her

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