Chapter 29 I'm So Sorry

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*Tara’s Point Of View* *2 months later*

I was just sitting in my room when Alanna skipped in and laid down next to me “Hey girl what are you doing?” she asked

“Hey girl hey not much just sitting here. Why what’s up?” I asked turning to face her

“Not much I just miss you I realized I have hardly spent any time with you and I wanted to so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me” she said sitting up

“Sure thing we should et changed first though” I told her with a giggle at her batman pajamas

“Right let me go change and I will meet you by the front door in 10” she said before she got up hugged me and walked out

I hugged her back and walked over to my closet finally deciding on this outfit I walked downstairs 8 minutes later to see her sitting on the window seat wearing this outfit I giggle walking over to her

“Hey girl nice sweatshirt” I told her covering my mouth trying to stifle a giggle

“Thanks can we just go?” she said rolling her eyes and standing up walking out I follow her

“So how are you feeling being pregnant and everything?” I ask as we start down the path from the house that will take us to the road

“Pretty good, I mean it can get kind of weird when I think about it too much you know?” she says

I shake my head “Not really if I am being completely honest I have no idea what it is like” I tell her

“It’s fine hun I know where you are coming from” she said smiling warmly at me

“God you are going to be such a great mother” I told her as we continued to walk down the road

“Thank you Tar that means a lot coming from you and I know that when you and Harry FINALLY get together and have kids they will be amazing because you are their mother” she said walking ahead of me a bit

I catch up to her “Do you seriously think I would get with him?” I asked disbelief clear in my voice

She turns around walking backwards ”Tara Michelle it is inevitable you guys are perfect for each other and we all see it you two just need to get your heads out of your asses and realize it” she said

“Oh god is it really that obvious that I like him?” I asked burying my face in my hands

After not hearing anything for a couple minutes I look up to see Alanna passed out on the ground I scream and run over to her checking for a pulse she has one but I cannot seem to wake her. I call  an ambulance and they get her to the hospital I call Liam

*Liam’s Point Of View*

I was sitting on the couch playing halo with Zayn when my phone went off I glanced at the screen and saw it was Tara

“Hey love how is your walking going?” I asked as I went back to the game

I was met with only the sounds of her crying

“Tara what is it? What’s going on where is Alanna???” I asked jumping up alarming Zayn

“Y-y-y-you n-n-n-n-n-need to come down to t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-the h-h-h-h-hospital” she stutters out before  the line goes dead I scream and race out the door Zayn following close behind

“Mate what’s wrong?” he asks as we run over to the car I get in the passenger seat

“T-tara just called  and s-said that I need t-to get to t—the h-h-h-hospital A-A-A-A-A-Alanna´I said between sobs Zayn pulls out of the driveway getting to the hospital on the other side of town in 10 minutes flat we run in and over to the nurses station a sobbing mess

“Alanna Johnson’s room please” I hear Zayn ask beside me

“403” I hear the nurse say before I bolt for the stairs taking them 2 at a time and running to her room once I reach the fourth floor I get there right as the doctor walks out I walk in to see tears streaming down her face

“I am so sorry Liam. I l-lost the baby” she says brokenly I walk over and pull her into me holding her tightly

“It isn’t your fault love none of this is your fault and this does not change how I feel about you” I told her honestly tears falling silently into her hair

“I love you so much” she says burying her face in my chest

“I love you too baby girl forever” I said holding her tightly

After about an hour the doctor lets Zayn and I take her home we get back to the house and I carry her over to the couch laying down with her holding her close to my body

*Summer’s Point Of View*

Oh my god I cannot believe he just asked me to marry him I take a deep breath “Of course I will marry you Niall” I told him smiling warmly he slips the ring on my finger and stands up kissing me softly yet passionately I kiss him back and he picks me up carrying me back into the house and into the living room we see Liam and Alanna lying on the couch

“GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! I’M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!” I squealed they looked up tears pouring down both of their faces.

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