Chapter 30 A Zucia Moment

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*Liam’s Point Of View*

“C-congratulations guys” I told them before Alanna broke down into sobs

Niall sits down “What’s going on mate?” he asked clearly freaked out by the way she was crying

“She lost the baby” I said picking her up and carrying her up to our room

“Liam I want to go home” she said brokenly as I laid her on the bed

“Ok baby I’ll pack and tell everyone and we can leave tomorrow” I said as I laid down next to her and we cried ourselves to sleep

*Zayn’s Point Of View*

I feel so bad for them I cannot believe after everything they have been through that they now have to deal with losing the baby. I just hope and pray that everything works out for them eventually I walked into the room I share with Lucia to see her laying on the bed watching TV.

“Hey beautiful” I said laying down next to her and wrapping my arm around her waist

“Hey Zee” she said snuggling into my chest I hold her close as she looks up at me

“Is everything ok?” she asked concern clearly written all over her face

“Yeah babe things are fine. Why do you ask?” I said looking down into her eyes

“No reason babe just curious” she said before getting up and walking over to the closet and pulling something out from a bag and hiding it behind her back

“What’s that babe?” I asked sitting up and trying to see what it was

“You don’t worry about it yet baby but can you take your shirt off for me?” she asks walking over and standing in front of me at the foot of the bed

listen to it while you read if you want ;)

I nod before pulling my shirt off and over my head next thing I know I am handcuffed to the bed  and she is straddling my hips wearing ;D

“What’s going on Lucia?” I ask slightly panicked

“I want you Zayn but I want to have a little fun this time. I mean don’t get me wrong last time was amazing but I just want to spice things up” she said before climbing off of me and pulling down my pants and boxers  releasing me from them both and sitting back on my thighs

“You are sure about this babe?” I asked

She nodded “I’m sure baby I promise I won’t hurt you” she said before rolling a condom on me since I obviously couldn’t do it and then lowering herself on me riding me slowly

“Oh g-god babe” she said as I rolled my hips up to match her slow thrusts

“Yeah baby girl? You like that don’t you” I said as I hit her g-spot eliciting a sinful moan from her beautiful lips

“I love it baby” she says fisting her hands in her hair and grabbing onto one of her breasts and tweaking her nipple I growled low in my throat god how I wanted to touch her so badly it hurts.

She looks down at me giving me a wink “You ok there babe?” she asked

I grunt and shove my hips up hitting her g-spot repeatedly as she cries out my name

“I’m fine babe are you ok?” I asked her with a wink as I licked my lips

She collapses on top of me and un handcuffs me snuggling into my side like before I drift off to sleep with her by my side

*Lucia’s Point Of View*

Oh my god that was amazing I swear Zayn is the best and I am so happy that I am with him I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with him i honestly do not know what I would do if I had not been introduced to him and everyone else Zayn is such an amazing guy and I would do anything for him he is the love of my life I am sure of it as long as Zayn is by my side I can do anything. I kiss him softly and drift off into a blissful sleep.

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