Chapter 8 Liam Finally Confesses His Love

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*Liam’s point of view* *a/n: this one will be longer than normal*

I take her hand and walk over to the recording booth “Can you sit on that stool for me love?” I ask smiling at her “Sure Li” she smiles back and sits down I walk into the booth and give Collin our sound guy the thumbs up and he starts the opening chords for “Through The Dark” I take a deep breath and begin:

You tell me that you're sad and lost your way

You tell me that your tears are here to stay

But I know you're only hiding

And I just wanna see you

You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain

And I can see your head is held in shame,

But I just wanna see you smile again

See you smile again

But don't burn out

Even if you scream and shout

It'll come back to you

And I'll be here for you

Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

I wish that I could take you to the star

I'd never let you fall and break your heart

And if you wanna cry or fall apart

I'll be there to hold you

You tell me that you heard it's all in vain

But I can see your heart can love again

And I remember you laughing

So let's just laugh again

But don't burn out

Even if you scream and shout

It'll come back to you, back to you

Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

And you don't need

You don't need to run

And you will see it's easy to be loved

I know you wanna be loved

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

(Oh, I would, oh, I would)

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down

We will find a way through the dark

I walk out of the booth and look at her “How was that love?” I asked incredibly nervous all of a sudden she looks up at me through glassy eyes “It was beautiful Li whoever you wrote that is going to love it” she smiles sadly and gets up walking over to Lucia and Summer I sigh loudly and run a frustrated hand through my hair slumping down on one of the couches next to Louis I look at him “Lou?” “Yes Liam?” he responds I sigh “How did you get Sam  to love you?” he sits up straight and gets this far away dreamy look in his eye “You know I actually don’t really know but I can tell you that I am so lucky to have her she is the most amazing girl in my life aside from my mum. Now if you will excuse me I have to go call my phoo bear” he gets up and skips down the hallway I chuckle quietly to myself an walk over to Alanna Summer and Lucia I look at Alanna and notice that she is crying “Love can I talk to you?” she nods wipes away her tears and stands up walking down the hallway past Louis out of earshot from him of course she turns to me still crying softly “What is it Liam? Do you want me to sit through you singing another song for some girl?” I chuckle “Alanna love I wrote and sang that song for you” she gasps and breaks down in tears “R-really w-why?”  She asks between sobs looking down at the floor  “Because I love you and I want you to know that I will always be here for you” I stated simply reaching down and gently tipping her chin up and leaning down kissing her softly and lovingly she kisses back wrapping her arms around my neck as I pull her closer deepening the kiss she sighs into the kiss and pulls away after about 4 minutes gasping lightly “Wow Liam that was amazing” I smile at her “Will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?” I wouldn’t want anything else more in the whole entire world” she smiles back I kiss her again and hug her she kisses back and pulls away from the hug “Oh by the way Li I’ll carry you over fire and water for your love too” she winks and skips down the hallway towards the booths I chuckle to myself and follow her she is a cheeky little thing but I love her to death and we have only known each other two days I guess love does that to you right? I walk back into the area where “he booths are and sit down next to Louis “Hey mate” I sigh dreamily he chuckles “Finally ask her to be your bird?’ (I looked it up it’s a British term for girlfriend) I nod “Yeah mate I did and she said yes” Well that’s great mate how about we celebrate with a sleepover and then Alanna can meet Sam” “ Sure mate lets go tell them” I stand up and we walk over to the girls and the rest of the lads “So guys how does a sleep over sound?” Alanna and Summer squeal  Summer looks at me “Yesh but Lucia has too come” Lucia looks at Zayn blushes and nods Summer squeals again and Lou texts Sam

 Lou: Hey phoo bear wanna have a sleepover with me & the lads? U can meet Liam’s gf

Sam: Sure Loubear cu soon <3 u

Lou: gr8 I <3 u 2 phoo bear cu soon

Lou smiles “Sam is coming” he runs out we all smile I look at Alanna “Is that ok with you love?” she smiles brightly “Sure baby. But can I invite one of my friends?” “Of course love” she smiles and pulls out her phone

 Lanna: Tar? You want 3 come to a sleepover?

TarJ: Sure babe I’ll be over soon

Lanna: actually it’s at my bf’s house

TarJ: WHO IS UR BF?!?!?

Lanna: Promise u won’t get L

TarJ: I promise now tell me!!!!!

Lanna: …………Liam Payne…………

TarJ: Well whatever I still wanna cu J

Lanna: Gr8 *gives her the address* cu soon babe J

TarJ: CU!

She looks up at me “She’s  coming baby but I have to warn you she isn’t a fan of you guys so don’t expect her to be overly friendly” I chuckle “ok babe” I kiss her and we get back to the house.



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