Rise of the turtles(Part 1)

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~15 years later~
Turtle's POV
As the city buzzed about, with the honking of horns and hustle and bustle, we lived underground. In the sewers to be exact. Why do we live in the sewers you ask. Because we're ninjas. And mutants. But technically we're turtles.

It was our 15th mutation day and we started it like every other day. We trained. Our Sensei, Master Splinter paired us up.
Raph vs Donnie
Mikey vs Leo

We got in our fighting stances. Leo and Mikey were first up.

Leo: Yah!
Mikey: Oh, yeah! Michelangelo is on the move!

Leo strikes but Mikey jumped over him

Leo: Hee-yah!
Mikey: You don't know what to do.

Mikey swung his nunchucks

Mikey: I'm here, I'm there. I could be anywhere. How do you stop what you can't even see?

Mikey tried to strike Leo, but Leo hit him with the hilt of his katana causing Mikey to fall.

Leo: Like that?
Mikey: Good one, Leo.

Next was Donnie and Raph. Donnie was doing tricks with his Bō staff.
Raph didn't even flinch.

Raph: All right Donnie. Put down the staff and no one gets hurt.
Donnie: Uh, you said that last time Raph, and then you hurt me.
Raph: Yeah, but less than I would have.
Donnie: Yeah, right.

Donnie lunged towards Raph and he dodged the swing. Donnie tried to hit Raph and he dodged that to. Donnie closed his eyes and tried to smack Raph with the staff. Dodged. Donnie closed his eyes and tried once more. When he opened his eyes his staff was gone!
Raph spun the staff and broke if in half on his knee.

Donnie: Should've dropped the staff?
Raph: Should've dropped the staff.

Raph used Donnie's staff pieces to beat Donnie's shell.

Donnie: Okay, okay. Ow! I'm down!

Raph turned to Leo and dropped the staff pieces. Donnie took a seat next to Mikey. Mikey stuck his tongue out at Donnie and quickly put it back smiling.

Leo: Onegai shimasu.
Raph: Whatever you say.

Leo readied his katana and Raph readied his Sais. Leo lunged and Raph blocked his Katanas with his Sais.
The struggle was real.
Raph pushed him away and ran towards Leo. Leo swiped his Katanas. Raph dodged and kicked Leo down. Raph tried to advance but Leo knocked him down. Raph got up just as Leo ran towards him. Leo used his katana and knocked one of Raph's sias out of his hand. It flew between Mikey and Donnie. Neither of them moved an inch. Leo and Raph ran towards each other with great speed. Raph knocked Leo's katana out of his hand. He wrapped his Sai around Leo's hand and flipped him over his shoulder. Leo fell to the ground with a thump. He held his hand and groaned.

Raph: Nice try.
???: Ya me!

Everyone turned to the voice. There stood Master Splinter. The boys lined up and sat on their knees while Sensei walked over to them.

Sensei: You all did very well.
Raph: But I did better.
Sensei: This is about self- improvement Raphael. It is not about winning and losing.
Raph:I know, Sensei. But I won and they lost.

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