Mousers Attack!(Part 2)

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The MOUSERS screeched as Leo and Raph fought them. But it seemed everything they defeated one, two more would come to fight.

Leo: I'm calling it. Time to go.
Raph: I'll allow it.

Raph and Leo jumped over a metal railing, while the M.O.U.S.E.R.S. followed in pursuit. Baxter did his not-so-evil laugh as the bots rushed past him.

BS: You can't run forever. Soon, the M.O.U.S.E.R.S. will crush your bones in their jaws. Such as the fate of anyone foolish enough to trifle with Baxter Stock-

Stockman was suddenly karate chopped in the back of his neck. He fell unconscious, revealing the two other purple dragons. They looked at each other and the bigger one grunted at the idea they both had.
~With Donnie and Mikey~

Donnie: We need a diversion, so we can grab the phone. How about this? We'll make them thing the police are here. We'll need a bullhorn, some flashing lights and a siren.
Mikey: Operation: Cop Out.
Donnie: Or we can make then think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, an orange light, and some firefighter jackets.
Mikey: Operation: Burn Out.
Donnie: Or we could find the breaker box and shut off the power. We'll need-um, nothing.
Mikey: Operation: Blackout. No, Lights out! NO, POWER OUT! This one's too good I can't handle it.

Leo and Raph ran across the rooftops, breathing heavily. They soon skid to a halt and pressed their shells onto a wall.

Leo: You think we lost them?

The two heard metallic scratching from below. They peeked over the edge to see the MOUSERS standing at the bottom of the building.

Raph: I'd say no.

The two kept running.

Leo: How are those things tracking us?
Raph: It's gotta be that stuff he sprayed us with
Leo: Alright, we better call Donnie.
Raph: You wanna get bailed out by the B-team? Forget that!
Leo: Maybe we wont have to.

They were coming up towards a water tower. Leo takes his katana and cuts the pipe.

Leo: Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off.
Raph: Ah! Cold!
Leo: That ought to do it.

From behind them they could hear the call of the MOUSERS. They were still on their trail.

Raph: Of course, we could call Donnie to just to say hi.
************************************************************************************************************Donnie and Mikey were pacing the building top, trying to come up with a fool proof plan. Donnie thought of something, but them dismissed the idea quickly. When they crossed paths again, Donni can up with something,

Donnie: I've got it. I'll use my T-phone to hack the CIA computer system, then reroute a satellite over the building and focus it's beams to give them all splitting headaches.
Mikey: Operation: Spaced out!
Donnie: That's when you go it, wearing a tinfoil hat to protect yourself-

Donnie's T-phone starts ringing. He looks to see it's Leo that was calling him. He picks up the phone and answers, kind of annoyed.

Donnie: I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Mikey: Is that Leo? Tell him my operation names.
Donnie: What's the matter. Oh, don't tell me the A-team needs our help.
Leo: Uh, no. No. Of course not. No, we're great. I'm just, you know, checking to see if you guys need any help.
Donnie: We got this. We followed Fong to the defunct futon factory of fifth.
Mikey: Ha Ha Ha! Say that 5 times fast.
Donnie: Anyway, we're got an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing?
Leo: Uh, you know. Good....ish

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