Turtle Temper (part 2)

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Leo, Donnie and Mikey ninja-ed there way around the city until they reached an abandoned storage house.

Donnie: We're here.
Mikey: Are we really gonna do this without Raph?
Leo: We can handle it.
Mikey: I don't know. It feels like something is missing.

Leo smacked Mikey in the back of the head.

Mikey: Ow! Thanks.
Leo: Happy yo help. Let's go.

The three turtles climbed the wall and ninja-ed their way down the stairs to where the man was being held.

Mikey: Spiders.

The turtles started to look around. Mikey's sudden stop caused Donnie to slap his head. You know, just for fun.

Mikey: Ow! You don't have to keep doing that.
Donnie: There was a spider on ya.
Mikey: Well there's a spider on you too!

Donnie turned around to check him self for spiders.

Donnie: No, there isn't.
Mikey: Come here, you punk!

Mikey jumped on Donnie and started to slap him on the head.

Donnie: Knock it off. Ow!

Leo walked over to the two.

Leo: Hey!

Mikey stopped smacking Donnie and they both looked up.

Leo: Shhh!

The two turtles got up and started to walk away. Mikey turned around and raised his hand in a threatening way towards Donnie and walked away. Donnie just sighed.

Soon the trio were at a huge container of mutagen. Next to that was the man and three krangg droids.

Kraang: The image that is the image on the phone is pleasing to the eyes of kraang. This is true. Kraang is looking what is known in the earth terms as " Handsome" in this phone.
Man: Well, you guys drive a hard bargen.  Tell you what, I'll drop it down to 500,000. And you can keep the phone.

The kraang turned away from the man.

Man: Okey, 400,000.
Kraang: This is our fight with the creatures called the turtles. The usefulness of this will be proven usefully with the more watching of this. Also this is being good image of kraang. We should be showing the image of kraang to kraang.

As the kraang talked the turtles have been pulling the man away with Mikey's chain.

Leo: We're gonna get you outta here.
Man: What about my phone?
Leo: Shh!
Man: Dont shush me! I ain't leaving here without my phone!
Kraang: Stop the ones that need to be stopped. Stop!
Donnie: Remind me why we en have to rescue this guy?

The trio and the kraang went into battle. While they were fighting the old man saw his phone on the groung. He started to whel over to it, but then the phone was kicked away by Leo. The phone was kicked under a glass pipe filled with mutangen.  While the man wheeled himself over to his phone, a kraang shot his wheels, causing him to fall over.

Man: Got it!

The man reached over and touched his phone, which now had a spider on it. One of the kraang must have shot the pipe, because right after mutagen was dumped all over the man. The man screamed out in pain.

Kraang: Kraang go look in the place where the thing that makes noise is, and tell us that thing makes noise in that place.

The kraang droid walked into the dark corner of the room, just to be thrown out. A loud roar was heard.

Mikey: I dont like that sound of that.

Out can a huge black spider mutant. It had red markings, four legs on it's head that were sharp.

Mikey: I dont like the look of it either!
???: What did you do to me? Im hideous!
Leo: Dont worry. The four of us can handle him.
Donnie: Okay, this might be a bad time to point this out, but you sent one of the four of us home.
Mikey: And right now, I wish it was me.
???: This is all your fault. Im gonna rip yout heads off.
Leo: All right, guys, prepare to dish out the might wrath of justice.
Donnie: Seriously, just yell,'get him'.
Leo: Get-oof

Leo was interupted by the spider mutant throwing him into a crate. The turtles tried fighting back but were getting there shells handed to them.

Mikey: Is that all you got?!

The spider mutant then spit acid near the turtles.

Mikey: The answer I was looking for was 'yes'

Now the turtles were dodging acid balls. Soon the turtles fell through the floor cause and acid out lined a whole in the ground. The added weight caused it to be too heavy and give out.

Mikey: We're no match for spider bitez!
Leo: Spider bitez?
Mikey: Well he's a spider and he bites, so I thought-
Leo: We get it.

Spider bitez jumped from the ceiling. The turtles tried to run away but where they went, Spider bitez was already there.

Leo: This bug is fast!
Donnie: Yeah, spider arent actually bugs. They-ow!

Donnie never finished his sentence, because Spider Bitez picked him up and threw him into a create.

Spider bitez: Playtime's over frogs.

Spider bitez cornered the turtles when this happened.

Raph: Wow, I didnt think this guy could get any uglier!
Donnie+Mikey: Raph!
Leo: Well, I think you've been punished long enough, come and join us!
Spider bitez: Hey, its the kung fu frog, with the salad tongs.
Raph: Hey its the stupid loud mouth, whos about to get his butt kicked.

Spider bitez made and acid circle around Mikey Leo and Donnie, and they fell through the floor. Again. Donnie looked down and saw that a glass floor was separating them for a whole chamber of mutangen.

Donnie: Uh, lets not t fall thtough this floor, okay?
Spider bitez: Dance for me frog.

Spider bitez shot acid at Raph as he dodged every one.

Spider bitez: Watch me turn your friends into frog french fries. I'll sever em up with your salad tongs.

Spider bitez made a web and lowered himself through the hole. Raph jumped on the web and cut the line, making making spider bitez fall.

Spider bites: Aw, froggy thinks he can stop me. Ribbet, Ribbet. Whats that tadpole? Are you too scared to leap off your lily pad...
Raph: Like a river over stone.

Raph started to fight spider bitez and lets say he got his shell handed to him.

Spider bitez: Thats some kung fu, frog.

Raph's brothers joined his side.

Raph: We're not kung fu frogs. We're ninja turtles!

The turtles kicked skell and Raph broke SB's phone. Sent spider bitez running.

SB: Oh, my phone. You guys are gonna regret this.
Donnie: I know a nice black widow that'd be great for him.
Leo: Good work Raph. I just wanna say-
Raph: You dont have to apologize.
Leo: I wasnt going to.
Raph: Oh, good.
Mikey: Yeak,Raph. Not bad for a bloated buffalo.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mikey: Okay, Raph is all-wise and powerful.
Raph: And?
Mikey: And he's better than me in every possible way.
Vixen: Raph, I give you wisedom and this is what you do with it?
Raph: Sorry, but I had to. He called me a bloated buffalo.
Vixen: Whatever.  It seems that everyone learned a lesson today.
Donnie: Wait what?
Vixen: I was watching from the roof's window. Anyway, Mikey learned he cant call Raph a bloated buffalo. Raph learned how to react to insults...sorta. Donnie learned he's the only one that can't slap Mikey and get away with it. And Leo learned that leaving Raph home is a very stupid thing to do... I mean really stupid... Very stupid..Like so stu-

Vixen stared Leo down

Vixen: Boy, you have 5 second to run.

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