I, Monster (Part 1)

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The first thing wanna say it that in the theme song, at the part where they say "Master Splinter taught them single skill they need." While April is on the tire swing reading a comic then looks at Master Splinter, Vixen is sitting at the edge on the pool with her legs dangling off the edge, then she looks to master splinter. That's how the theme song in gonna be. Okay, read on :).

Master Splinter was standing in the dojo, with his back to the turtles. A few feet away the turtles took a knee and discussed the plan.

Leo: Okay, here's the plan. Donnie, you're gonna strike first.
Donnie: No, wait. You want me to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled.
Raph: Well, getting pummeled is your specialty.
Leo: Trust me. It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard.
Mikey: Uh, Leo, don't take this the wrong way. But against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped.
Leo: Okay, new thought. Mikey, you attack.
Mikey: *Turns to Donnie* He took it the wrong way.
Raph: Enough talk. Let's do this.

Leo nods and they all turn to there rat master. The boys start to walk over to Splinter. Leo and Raph to the right, Donnie and Mikey to the left. Even with his eyes closed, Splinter still knew they were coming. Because of his great hearing. He turned and prepared for battle. Mikey ran at his father and jumped into a drop kick. Time seemed to slow down. Splinter opened his eyes, as he felt air rushing towards him after hearing rapid, soft foot steps coming from the behind. Splinter grabbed Mikey's leg and threw him onto the floor. Mikey yelped as he was kicked away. All the while, Raph was sailing mid-air, ready with a punch, Donnie and Leo were running to Splinter. Splinter moved out the way, just in time to avoid Raph's fist hitting him in the head. Then dodged his charging attack at the same time as Donnie's Mid-air kick. Then dodged Leo's side kick.

Splinter grabbed Donnie's leg and Raph's arms. He swiftly let go of Raph arm and spun to knock Donnie off his other leg. As Donnie circled in mid-air from the move, Splinter kicked him into Raph. They both went flying. He turned to hit Leo in the face, but the eldest turtles ducked under it. Seeing an opening, Leo quickly let a punch fly and hit Master Splinter right in the cheek. Only then did Leo understand what he did and instantly felt afraid and guilty. Leo pulled back his hand, and Splinter seemed frozen.

Leo: Uh! Sensei, I'm sorry.

Sensei turned with what seemed like an angry look on his face. Leo tried to explain, but was flipped over. Splinter held up his fist. Donnie, Raph and Mikey stared at the scene.

Donnie: Oh man. Leo's a goner
Mikey: Oh, nodie dodie.

Splinter relaxed.

MS: Well done, Leonardo. But just when you had the advantage, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable.
Leo: Hai, Sensei.
MS: Now, that is all for today. Unless you care for a rematch.
Donnie: No thanks.
Mikey: I'm good.
Raph: Yeah, I think we're all set here.

Master Splinter went into his room. As soon as he left the other crowded around him.

Mikey: Leo!
Raph: Not bad.
Donnie: Dude, I can believe you actually tagged Sensei. That was epic.
Mikey: *Takes Leo's hand* That hand that punched Splinter. You know you can never wash this again.
Leo: I gotta say guys, it was all teamwork. We are definitely getting better.
Donnie: You think we might be catching up to Splinter?
Mikey: Yeah, maybe soon, we wont need him to train us at all.

But, unknown to the turtles, Master Splinter heard their entire conversation. The turtles walked out of the dojo laughing.

Vixen: Hey guys.

Vixen yelled out as she hopped the turnstiles. Mikey ran up to her and gave her a hug.

Vixen: Woah there. My stomach still hurts from when your shell slammed into it. What's going on?
Mikey: You will not believe what happened. Leo actually got a hit on Splinter during training.
Vixen: No way. *Fist bumps Leo*
Mikey: *gasps* You touched the hand that punched Sensei.
Vixen: Mikey, you are too much.
Donnie: This just shows that we're getting better.
Raph: Yeah, soon we wont need Master Splinter to train us anymore.
Vixen: *smile drops* Well, that kind of mean.
Leo: What do you mean.
Vixen: I mean, yeah you guys are getting better and that's great. But I don't think you should be counting down the days when you don't need Sensei anymore. I think you should cherish the time you have now.
Mikey: Why?
Vixen: Well, you guys are originally turtles, which means most likely, your gonna live to be like 150 or something. While Splinter was originally human, and our life span is actually 79 years old. Plus, I mean, he teaches you little by little. So maybe Leo got a hit on him and he wasn't really trying his best. He got Leatherhead in one move when you couldn't beat him. And that was yesterday. Plus, it's just hurtful to say that you're excited that you don't need someone anymore.
Leo: ..Wow.
Raph: You always know how to make us feel bad.
Vixen: But I also help you with your problem. I'm like the glue that keeps things together. Now tell me the story of how Leo got Sensei.

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