It came from the depths (Part 1)

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It was a calm day in the lair. Leo was watching space heroes, Donnie was typing away on his computer and Raph was playing the arcade game, which Vixen watching. Then Mikey walked into the room with something behind his back.

Mikey: Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza!
Vixen: Yes.
Mikey: We all love milkshakes!
Vixen: Yes.
Mikey: So I combined them.
Vixen: No.
Donnie: Okay, that couldn't not be less appetizing.
Vixen: Donnie, prepare to eat your words.
Mikey: I call it, a P-shake!
Donnie: *Gags* I stand corrected.
Mikey: You guys just have no sense of adventure.
Vixen: And you have no common sense.

Mikey drank the slop and seemed fine. But when he actually tasted it, he spit it back out.

Leo+ Raph+ Donnie+ Vixen: Ew!

Mikey: Where did I go wrong?

Mikey drinks his spit out p-shake.

Leo+ Raph+ Donnie+ Vixen: Ew!

Leo shuddered and just turned back to his show. "In all my travels, I've never seen anything as cute as these trum-pets. But I'll be darned if they're not the most annoying species in the cosmos." Captain Ryan said as he held a armful of fuzzy, pink aliens with blue trumpet-like mouths. They start making loud honking noises and everyone on the ship had to cover their ears. " Captain, we're got to find a humane way to get rid of them!" Dr. Crankshaw said, dramatically. "If there's one thing I'm known for, it's my humility." Captain Ryan said. He buckled himself into his chair. "Open the airlocks." Crankshaw flipped the switch for the air lock, and the vacuum of space started to suck all the trum-pets out. When they were gone, Captain Ryan had a smirk on his face. Leo watched with a huge smile on his face. While the show was playing, Raph and Vixen had enough time to walk over.

Raph: You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show.
Leo: No way. There are millions of spaceniks out there.
Vixen: Like me. More over, Leo *Plops onto couch*
Raph: You like this?
Vixen: Yeah. There's so much irony. He said to find a humane way to get rid of them. Alright, let's just throw them all into space. Plus, the person who voices Crankshaw also voices Robin from Teen Titans.
Raph: What ever.

Raph snatched the remote from Leo and changed it to the news channel.

"I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker. City workers mutants?" Everyone let out a confused 'huh?' They went to the interview of the man who was attacked. "It was like part man, part reptile, and all monster! It came out of nowhere and attacked me." Leo and Donnie looked to Raph.

Raph: Wasn't me.
Vixen: Shut up. She's talking again.

"Take a look at this terrifying footage." They cut to the vid the man was taking. "So some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually it's a lot of-" Then a giant mutant alligator came into the shot and he attacked the man. The man was screaming out in pain. "Somebody help me!" Joan went back yo her broadcasting. "Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next on the max."

Donnie: I got a bad feeling about this.
Leo: The last thing we want is some mutant causing trouble in the sewers.
Raph: Or some news crew down here looking for him.
Vixen: Or some curious teen looking for him and getting hurt, or worse.
Leo: We gotta track this guy down and stop him ourselves.
Donnie: Wait, let's rewind this. I think I saw a tunnel number. There, tunnel 281
Leo: Let's go.
***********************************************************************************************************The 5 pushed thought the police tape. The walked thought the tunnel till they same to a huge footprint.

Leo: Woah! Check this out. What the heck made these footprints?
Vixen: Leo, were you not paying attention? There is a mutant alligator here. So the answer to your question, is a mutant alligator. And if we follow these tracks, we'll find it.

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