Monkey Brain(Part 2)

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April was running down the street.

April: Guys, someone just spotted the monkey on Bleecker.
Raph: I think I'm on his trail.

Raph flipped over the building while Leo screamed over the phone.

Leo: Mikey, the monkey is headed your way.
Vixen: Leo, we can all hear you. You dont need to yell across the city to get Mikey's attention!
Raph: I got eyes on him. He's headed south on Delancey!
Donnie: I'm on Houston! I'll cut him off!

Donnie went running after the mutant, but soon he disappeared.

Donnie: Where'd he go?
Leo: He changed direction.
Vixen: He's headed to Merrick!
Leo: Mikey the monkey is headed your way!

Mikey almost dropped his phone. He was so busy playing on his phone, the sudden sound of Leo's voice started him. He saw the monkey running down the street.

Mikey: I'm on it!

Mikey jumped down from the fire escape that he was perched on and skated towards the monkey. He tried to use his nunchucks trap the monkey, but it moved out of the way just in time. The chains wrapped around a lamp post and Mikey slammed into it. Raph was hot on the monkey's trail. The monkey jumped over a wall and Raph followed. Leo also saw the monkey and chased. The monkey bumped into Mikey while he was recovering from the bump. He followed on his skated board. Soon everyone met up at one point.

Leo: Anybody see where he went?
Donnie: I thought he headed off in that direction?
Raph: I thought it was that way?

The boys started to argue. Mikey was calling out to the monkey. The girls felt a pull in the pit of their stomach. They also heard a small whimper from the garbage bin. They walked over. Vixen lifted up the lid and there he was. Hiding in the darkness. April put her hand out to him and he took it, remembering that they were gentle with him. As soon as he stepped out, and chain was wrapped around him. He started to freak out.

Mikey: Ha-Ha! Gotcha that time!
Raph: Great, we got the monkey. But we're not any closer to finding Dr. Rockwell.

The monkey roared. His eyes popping out his head. Vixen and April took a closer look. His eyes went back to their normal size. Something about his seemed...human.

April: Actually, we're a lot closer than you think.
Donnie: What? How?
Vixen: We think this is Dr. Rockwell!

They were back at the lab. Rockwell was strapped in the chair. He was having a major freak-out. Vixen was trying to calm him down. Dr. Falco injected a green serum and he quickly fell asleep.

Dr. F: There that should calm him down a little. Poor Rockwell.
April: Is there any way to get him back to normal?
Dr. F: I wouldn't even know where to begin. But I'll see if there is a way to give him some senblence of a normal life.

The turtles went back to the lair. Mikey was playing game on his T-Phone. Vixen was listening to music on her I-Pod. Leo was thinking, April was too. And Donnie was looking up more about the project. Raph was out getting pizza.

Mikey: Man, this asteroid field is tough. I just cant beat it.
Raph: Pizza's here.

Raph set the open pizza box next to Mikey. Mikey didnt notice until the smell came to his nose.

Mikey: Mmmh. Must eat pizza, but cant stop playing. But must eat pizza, but cant stop playing. But must eat pizza. Ahh!

Vixen shoved a slice in his mouth.

Mikey: Thanks.
Vixen: No problem.

April and Leo watched the whole scene unfold.

Leo: Sorry we didnt get any closer to finding your dad, April.
April: It's okay. Everything we learn about the Kraang is another piece of a puzzle.
Leo: But, psychic research? This is one weird puzzle.
MS: I am curious, April and Vixen. How did you know the monkey was really a human?
April: I dont know. Sometimes I just get a feeling about things.
Vixen: I felt that too. Isn't that called intuition? To know something off instinctive felling rather reasoning? Plus his eyes were a little more...human, than any monkey I've ever seen.
MS: A feeling? Hm. Interesting.

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