Monkey Brains (Part 1)

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Okay. So I watched the episode in advanced, and I dont really know where I can put Vixen in here. But i will try my hardest. Sorry if the story sucks. I dont feel comfortable skipping an episode either.


Donnie and Mikey were in the dojo. Mikey was doing stretches. Donnie got ready to spar. Donnie did a sweep kick and Mikey jumped over his leg. Mikey spun around and blocked a punch. Donnie then grabbed the arm and tried twisting it so Mikey fell down. But Mikey did a backflip. Donnie threw Mikey over his shell, But Mikey did a couple summer-saults and landed on his feet, laughing.

Donnie: Dude, what are you doing? You dont defend against seoi Nage with backflips.
Mikey: Why not? Backflips are where it's at.
Donnie: That best defense is too roll along my back, then take me to the ground and put me in an arm-lock. Unless, of course, I counter with a-
Mikey: Hey man, you cant take the fire out of, Hi-yah! Dr. Flip-enstein!
Donnie: I dont even know what that means.

Donnie looked to his right and saw Master Splinter walking out of his room. He walked over.

Donnie: Master Splinter, what would you do if someone tried to throw you with seoi Nage?
MS: I don't know.
Donnie: Come on, you must have planned a response for every attack.
MS: If you think too much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is. You must be fully in the moment so you can fight without thinking.
Donnie: Why would I wanna fight without thinking?
MS: Allow me to demonstrate. Prepare to defend against seoi Nage.

Splinter started fighting Donnie. Donnie was soon pinned under him.

Donnie: Ow! That wasnt seoi Nage!
MS: No, but you thought it would be. Now would you like to prepare to defend aginst a spinning backflip?
Donnie: No, I'm good.

As Splinter walked away, Donnie continued to rub his aching head. Mikey came over to him laughing.

Mikey: Know what would have worked back there? Backflip!

Donnie was in his lab making a flow chart. The sudden sound of Leo's voice made him jump. His brother were surrounding him.

Leo: What you up to, Donnie
Donnie: Just putting the finishing touches on my mater plan.
Raph: Master plan?
Donnie: Yeah, to get April to hang out with me.

His brother laughed at him.

Leo: Try this, "April, do you want to hang out with me?"
Donnie: Yeah you see, it's not that simple. I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success.
Mikey: Aw, that's so romantic.
Vixen: Hey guys, I'm here. What goes on?
Mikey: VIXEN!

Mikey launched at his best friend and trapped her in a hug.

Vixen: Nice to see you too, Mikey.
Raph: Vixen, your a girl, right?
Vixen: Uh...last time I checked. Yeah, I'm a girl.
Raph: Then as a girl, can you tell Donnie how stupid his flow chart is.

Vixen walked over tot the table and looked over his work.

Vixen: Aw, this is adorable!
Donnie: So what do you think?
Vixen: I think... that Apriltello shall live on!
Raph: Apriltello?
Vixen: Yeah, you know, there ship name.
Leo: Ship name?
Mikey: *Gasp* Are they gonna get a boat?!
Vixen: No, Mikey. A ship name is just a way of saying a relationship name. When you think 2 people would be a really cute couple, you find a way to smoosh they're names together to show that you think they should be in a relationship. And I think that April and Donnie should be in a relationship. You guys might think it's stupid, but you have never bee in love before. And when you finally meet that special person, I bet that your gonna act just like Donnie. Well in your own way. Go on, Donnie. Show us your plan.

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