Panic in the sewers(Part 2)

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April walked up the steps of Shredder's lair. She had a jacket to cover her face and a pizza in her right hand. The turtles watched from the rooftops.

Donnie: I dont like this.
Mikey: Me neither. Giving the enemy a free pizza? Pssh, never a good idea.
knocked on the door, and a foot soldier answered.

April: Hey, did somebody here order a totally delicious pizza?

The foot soldier slammed the door in her face. April walked down the steps, and ran into the alley where Vixen was waiting. She took out her phone and called Leo.

April: Looks like the foot clan are smarter than the purple dragons.
Leo: They'd almost have to be, wouldnt they? Thanks, April, you did your best.
Mikey: At least we still got the pizza.
Vixen: Oh, we're not done yet.

Vixen turned of the phone.

Donnie: Wait, what are they doing?

April threw away the pizza.

Mikey: Not the pizza! They've gone rogue.

They walked over to the next door house. Vixen knocked on the door with April next to her. A man opened the door.

Man: May I help you?
April: Sir, we're with the firefighters association, local 94. We've received reports of some faulty wiring in this building.
Vixen: We also have to do the annual fire escape check, so do you mind if we have a look-see?
Man: Well, I dont think-
April: Thanks.

She pushed past the man and the 2 walked inside the house.

Donnie+ Mikey: She's so cool.

The two made their way up the fire escape. Vixen stood on the railing, while April crouched. April fumbled a little but gained her balance. Vixen jumped into a front flip and landed on the ledge perfectly. April took a deep breath and a jumped. She landed on the ledge, but started to fall back. Vixen grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. The two crept on the ledge and found an opening in a broken glass window. They crawled though and softly gasped at what they saw. Shredder sat at his throne Dog pound walked into the room with the purple dragons and some foot soldiers. Xever, who was a mutated fish popped his head out of the water.

Shredder: Listen carefully. Five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Houston in approximately 15 minutes.

April took out her phone and called Leo. The turtles listened to the evil plan. Tried.

Shredder: The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance.
Raph: Chemical? What chemical?
Donnie: How 'bout we listen and find out?
Raph: How 'bout I break your shell on my knee?
Leo: How 'bout you two shut it for a minute while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan!
Shredder:-which will destroy them once and for all. Now go.
Leo: We missed it! Oh, great. Nice going, guys.
Donnie: We gotta get April out!
Mikey: Vixen too.
Leo: No, if we rush in there, we put then at risk. We wait.

Dog pound, the purple dragons and the foot soldiers walked out of the building, April jumped down from the fire escape. Vixen was gonna follow when her boot got caught on the metal.

April: I'm gonna hitch a ride, see where they go.
Leo: No you've done enough. Now get out of there!

Dog pound heard Leo's voice and turned and growled at April.

April: Bradford heard you! April! Run!

Dog pound walked over to April, growling. The turtles jumped from the roof to the ground but they were too late. April was thrown into the van's passenger seat with duck tape on her mouth and her arms tied behind her back. Dog pound bucked her in.

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