The Pulverizer (Part 1)

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The turtles and Vixen sat in the subway, just outside of the lair. They were waiting for what seemed like forever. Donnie had promised some surprise for all of them, but the wait was long. Vixen was on her phone, watching Jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos. Mikey wanted to watch with her, but she couldn't allow her Kawaii potato to be spoiled by the swear words that easily flew out the Irish man's mouth.

Mikey: Ugh, what's taking so long? Donnie knows I have a short atten- ooh, gum!

Mikey picked up a pre-chewed wad of pink gum. He was about to put it in his mouth, when Raph smacked the gross thing out of the orange masked turtle's hand.

Vixen: For once, I'm glad you hit him
Raph: Man, this better be worth it.

The crew heard a sound from the end of the tunnel. They all looked and saw light. A cart pulled up in front of them. It was Leatherhead's old cart and it was spray painted with multiple designs. There were trash cans, cut out to be a sharp, claw-like machine in the front. The brakes squealed as the metal cart came to a stop. Vixen felt sick, remembering what happened last time. Mikey gasped in awe.

Raph: Worth it.

A little ding-dong sound, that you hear when the subway doors open. Donnie stood there with a smirk on his face.

Donnie: So?
Leo: You turned Leatherhead's old subway car into this?
Raph: Donnie, have I ever told you how awesome you are?
Donnie: No, you haven't
Raph: Well, I'm seriously considering it.
Leo: What do you call this thing?
Donnie: Well, it's a transaxled, multi-armored, electromagnetic-
Mikey: The Shellraiser!
Donnie: What?
Mikey: The Shellraiser. It's the perfect name.
Leo: That is the perfect name.
Mikey: Of course it is, bro. You guys always underestimate me.
Vixen: See? Mikey is smart, but in a different way.
Mikey: Oh! Gum!

Vixen smacked the gum out of Mikey's hand.

Vixen: A very, very, different way.

The door opened up again and the turtles walked in. Vixen hesitated a little before stepping into the subway cart. Donnie pressed a button and a purple line flowed across the floor. All the lights and machines started turning on. Behind Mikey a magnifying glass moved over a map of New York. Next to Raph, a TV turned on.

Donnie: Now, I assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets. I can't drive because my station's in the back so-

Leo+ Raph+ Mikey: Driver!

The three turtles started fighting over the spot. Donnie quickly went over and smacked his staff down to gain their attention.

Donnie: Leo drives.
Raph+ Mikey: Why?
Donnie: Well, I was originally gonna have Vixen drive because she actually has experience and if the cops pull us over she would have a license. But after thinking over a few missions it would be better if Vixen stayed in the back by me, with the nursing station.
Vixen: Donnie, God bless your soul.
Donnie: Other than that, he's least likely to hit something just for fun.
Raph+ Mikey: True.

Raph sat a the weapon station, while Mikey sat at the mapping section. Vixen started checking to make sure no chemicals would fall over.

Leo: So, how do we get this baby going?
Donnie: Okay, just ease the throttle forward ever so sli-

Leo didn't listen and the whole cart thrusted forward. Everyone fell backwards except Vixen who was basically leaning on the wall.

Raph: Whoo! What is powering this thing?
Donnie: The kraang power cell we got from leatherhead.
Vixen: The power cell? You mean the crystal thing that Raph said, and I quote, 'totally blasted Donnie into the wall, just by touching it'? The thing that is right under my chair right now?
Leo: I thought you said that it was dangerous, like the kraang could track it.
Vixen: It's also dangerous because it can blow me to bits!
Donnie: That's why I put it under a lead glass shield. Now I can regulate the output and prevent the kraang from detecting it's signal. So you have nothing to worry about, V.
Vixen: Okay. But Donnie, I swear on my mother. If I die, I will resurrect myself, kill you, bring you back to life, and make you clean up the mess.
Donnie: Noted.
Mikey: I'd hate to interrupt but, DEAD END!

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