The gauntlet(Part 2)

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On the top of the wolf hotel, there stood a giant machine holding hundreds of gallons of mutangen. There were kraang all over the place.

Kraang: Kraang in how many time units known as minutes will the device containing the mutagen that will be spread over the place known as New York, be detonated?
Kraang: 5

Suddenly an arrow was shot at it's head, which caused it to explode. Raph pulled back another arrow and it hit a kraang that was about to shoot him. The kraang blob crawled away from the robot body. Donnie let go of an arrow and that one exploded another kraang. Mikey got two in a row as he ran across the machine. A kraang from above was going to shoot Mikey, but was cut in half by Leo. The kraang blob fell and charged at Raph. They it ran threw his legs, screeching. Raph stuck his tongue out in disgust.

Leo: Okay, Donnie, it's up to you.

Donnie opened the hatch and looked panicked

Donnie: Uh oh.
Leo: "Uh oh"? Donnie, you said you knew how to do this.
Donnie: I didnt count on a design this complex, Leo.
Leo: They're aliens from another dimension. What did you expect? A big round ball, with a lit fuse that said bomb?
Donnie: No, but this-

Raph pushes Leo out the way.

Raph: Boy, I sure hope this argument goes on for another 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

He smacked Donnie on his head. Donnie started to examine the machine. He was making weird noises and sweating a lot. The other turtles crowded around him.

Leo: Careful!

Donnie whipped his head around and gave Leo a death glare. He slowly turned around and started to work on the bomb again.

Raph: Watch out for those wires.
Donnie: You guys are not helping!
Mikey: What if we just push this button?
Raph: Dont you think you pushed enough buttons tonight?
Donnie: Hmm
Leo: Donnie, you're gonna have to speed this up.
Donnie: I cannot work with all this pressure!

Suddenly there was the sound of someone landing on something metal.

Leo: Um, that might be a problem.

The 4 turned and saw that Xever and Buttface were on the sign. 3 of them took out their weapons. The villains jumped down. Leo, Raph and Mikey ran at full speed towards the two. Donnie wiped off his sweat. Mikey tried to punch Xever, but he picked him up and threw him onto his shell. Leo ran towards him. Xever tried to hit the blue clad turtle, but was blocked every time.

Leo: You guys picked a really bad time for this.
Xever: Oh, sorry for the inconvenience. When would you prefer to breathe your last breath?
Leo: if that thing goes off, I'll wipe us all out.
Buttface: I'd rather perish with honor than live in shame.

Buttface brought down the sword at Raph but he jumped out the way in time. Raph jumped off of a structure on the building and head butted him.

Raph: Would you hurry up and defuse the bomb? We're dealing with a couple of nutjobs here.
Donnie: Be quite!

Raph and Buttface looked weapons while Leo and Mikey faced Xever. Xever did his classic spin move into a air split and kicked them away. Buttface got Raph by the neck and threw him away. Xever was about to kick Raph in the head, when Raph slid out the way. Xever and Raph went at it for a while. Raph jumped onto the building. Buttface was running towards Mikey. Mikey kept throwing his chain at his, but they were dodged. Mikey was slammed into the post and fell to the ground. Buttface raised his sword and tried to strike Mikey, but the orange clad turtle dodged the blows. Mikey stopped a swing mid strike with the chain of his nun-chuck. While Buttface was busy, Leo jumped up. Buttface heard this and he turned around and pushed Leo away.

Donnie: Down to 2 wires. Which do I cut? Black or green?
Mikey: Go for the green.

Mikey was punched in the face. Donnie had the pliers around the black wire ready to cut. Time was running out. The timer was beeping faster. Donnie prepared to cut the black wire. He closed his eyes.

Donnie: Eh, why not?

He lowered his pliers and cut the green wire. The beeping stopped and the machine stopped glowing.

Donnie: Guys, guys! Mikey was right about something!

Donnie joined the battle, and soon they had the 2 back to back.

Leo: You are worthy adversaries, but the fight is ours. Lay down your weapons.
Xever: Never!
Leo: You dont have a choice. You've lost.
Buttface: If I'm going down...I'm taking you with me.

He plunged the sword into the glass. The glass broke and out went a river of mutagen that swept Xever and Bradford away. The turtles jumped down as the mutagen drained away. The bomb shut down completely.

Leo: So to sum up, we kicked the butts of the kraang and Shredder's top henchmen, while defusing a bomb and saving the city.
Raph: Yeah, we're not overconfident.
Leo: We're just that good.

The turtles high 3-ed and walked away, whooping and hollering in victory.

???" Your skills are impressive.

The turtles turned around to see a man in metal armor. Mikey looked like he just wet himself.

???: But they will not save you.
Donnie: Oh man. Do you think that's..The Shredder?
Raph: Well, it's definetly a shredder.
Shredder: There is undoubtedly a fascinating story i how my old nemisis came to teach ninjutsu to four mutant turtles. Perhaps I will let one of you live long enough to tell it.
Leo: Your gonna have to catch us first. Mikey.
Mikey: So long, sucka!

Mikey threw down, what he thought was a smoke bomb. But it turned out to be a regular eggs. The turtles stared at the yoke that was on the ground.

Mikey: Oops. All right, that ones on me.
************************************************************************************************************Shredder had Leo at blade point.

Shredder: Tell me where Splinter is, and I'll promise your demise will be swift.

Suddenly there was the sound of ragged breathing. The Shredder turned around and saw a mutant fish and Dog.

Xever: Help... me....
Shredder: What is this?

The turtles started to back away as the Shredder looked at them in horror.

Shredder: Xever?Bradford?

The shredder looked and saw that the turtles were gone.

Shreddder: NOOOOOOO!
************************************************************************************************************The turtles and the girls were in the lair. April had her face in her knees. Raph was leaning against the arcade game. Donnie was sitting on the couch, Mikey was laying on the bean-bag chair and Leo standing in the doorway.Vixen handed April a box of tissues. She has been comforting her ever since they came back for thr kraang mission. She then went back to cleaning the turtles wounds. Everyone sat in silence. Raph pushed the game in anger and sat with his head to his knees.

MS: You were all very lucky.
Raph: I think we define that word differently, Sensei.
MS: Few have ever faced the Shredder and survived.
Mikey: He was just so fast.
Donnie: It was like he was everywhere at once.
Leo: You were right about us being overconfident, Sensei. There are somethings we're just not ready for.
MS: Perhaps. But that no longer matters. It is clear now that the Shredder isa problem that will not go away. So prepare yourselves, my sons. Because as of this moment we are a war.

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