The Alien Agenda(Part 1)

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(The beginning had too much cringe. I'm not writing that garbage fire.)

After the night patrol, the turtles came back, a little peeved at Leo. Mostly Raph. The blue and red masked turtles went to the dojo to fight it out, leaving the other with their own things to do. Vixen heard yelling, clashing of metals and grunting until they were silenced by Master Splinter. Vixen rolled her eyes and vent back to playing games on her phone. April, Donnie and Mikey were also in the room. April had her laptop, books, cotton swabs and a small tube layed out. She picked up a cotton swap (I call them Q-tips)and swiped the inside of her cheek, while Mikey watched.

Mikey: What you doin', April?
April: Sending in a sample for the class project.
Mikey: You're mailing in your spit for a class project? Man, school sound awesome!
Vixen: *Laughs hard* No it's not. Mikey, school is the worst 10-22 years of your life. Only a small amount make it out without being spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically scared.
Mikey: Well I would be great at it. Check this spit out.

Mikey snorted the spit and I'm pretty sure some mucus and Donnie covered his mouth before any of it hit anything.

Donnie: Don't.
April: It's not about spit. It's about the DNA.
Mikey: ???
Donnie: DNA.
Mikey: ???
Donnie: Genetic code.
Mikey: ???
Donnie: You know, the building blocks of life?
Mikey: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Donnie: Okay, DNA is a microscopic blueprint that tells every living thing what to grow unto- and why am I still talking to you?
Mikey: I dont know. You'd think you would have learned by now.
Vixen: You guys need to learn to speak Mikey.
Mikey: There's a country named after me?
Vixen: *facepalms* No- Okay. DNA is basically like a cookbook. It tells your body what to put in to make you, you. DNA is the reason why you have freckles. *pokes his cheek*
Mikey: Oh, I get it.
Donnie: I have a strange feeling you only got it because Vixen was talking.
Vixen: I got Best Friend Magic.
April: Everyone in our class is sending a DNA sample to this research group, the worldwide genome project. Then they'll send us back a report telling us all about our ancestors. Neat, huh?
Mikey: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Wow. It's amazing what they can do these days.

Mikey let out a laugh and pushed Donnie's shoulder. He didn't understand a word.

Mikey: Just kidding.
Donnie: Hey Vixen, aren't you gonna do that?
Vixen: No.
Mikey: Why?
Vixen: Multiple reasons. 1) I finished school already. 2) I already know enough about my family history, we have this huge book collection dating back to ancient civilizations. 3) I don't trust it.
April: Vixen, you dont trust anything.
Vixen: Not true. I trust you guys and my family. Plus the government basically watches everything. If I needed to find a report about my ancestors, I would go to (I made this up). So why would there be a whole company dedicated to getting DNA to find your past if you can do it online?

April thought about it, but then continued to put everything away to send in.

Vixen: Seriously, your still not listening to me? Whatever. Mikey you wanna go get pizza?
Mikey: Shell yeah!
Donnie: Don't stay out to late.
Vixen + Mikey: Yes Dad!

Vixen and Mikey hived and they walked out of the lair. They talked about random things like pizza, Leatherhead, and how Apriltello is the best couple in the world. They soon reached the ladder and Vixen climbed up, Mikey right behind her. When they got to the surface the two started rocketing up the fire escape.

Vixen: Race ya!
Mikey: Hey! No fair!

And they started running across the roofs, laughing the whole way. Vixen looked behind her to see Mikey was saving trouble keeping up so she started running slower so he can keep up. As the two ran across the city they continues their conversation. They finally reached Murikami's and order lots of Pizza gyoza. "And he said he was 'at soup'. And I'm like, 'What do you mean, your at soup.' And he's like, 'It's means I'm at soup'. Then I say, 'What store at you in?" And he's like, 'I'm at the soup store'. Then I yell, 'WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE?!' And he said, 'forget you!" And I'm like, 'NO! FORGET YOU!'. And then I hung up. And that was the last time I called my father." Vixen smirked and Mikey was dying of laughter. "Aw, your dad sounds awesome. "Mikey sighed. "He's not. He's like the exact opposite of me. He never understands how I feel or why I feel a certain way." Vixen sighed. "What about your mom?" Mikey asked as they sat at the end of the building. "My mom is so sweet. She was always so opened minded of things. She would always try and find the good in other people and never judged. She always played with my when I was little. Sometimes I feeling like she's more of a kid than me." Vixen chuckled. "I wish I had a mom." Mikey sighed. " You don't need a mom. You got me." She smiled wrapping her arms around him in a side hug. The two laughed until Mikey's phone rang. "Hello?....Geez Raph, calm down.....well what do you want me to do?.....fine." Mikey hung up. "The guys are hungry, and they suck at cooking." Mikey said pulling Vixen up. The two made their way to the lair, chatting away.

Raph: Finally. I'm starving.
Vixen: You wouldn't be starving if you actually learned to cook.
Mikey: Okay guys. What do you want? Omelet pizza or pizza omelet?
Raph: What's the difference?
Mikey: Okay, you caught my bluff.

Mikey said taking out the eggs. Suddenly all 5 phones started ringing. They all took their phones out.

Donnie: Hey, did you guys just get a mass text from April?
Vixen, Raph, Leo: Yeah
Mikey: Mm-hm
Donnie: Well, does yours also say she's being attacked by an old lady?
Leo: Sure does
Mikey: Mm-mh
Raph: Yep.
Vixen: Mine says, 'Vixen make sure the guys check there phones. There is an old lady attacking me.' So absolutely.
Donnie: Is that considered an emergency?
Leo: I guess
Vixen: It all depends on who the old lady is. Like Shedder's mom or something.
Leo: Let's go!

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