Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I groaned as I stood up, my headache seemed to intensify even worse. I didn't want to go to school but I had no choice. I made my way to my closet and grabbed out a black hoodie with some white skinny jeans.(Pic up there) I went into the bathroom and used my makeup to hide the dark circles underneath my eyes. 

I pulled my hair through a brush and just let it hang down my back. I grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I went straight to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a few ibuprofen. I turned around and went into the garage to start my car. 

I hopped in after letting it heat up a bit, and turned up the heat because I was still cold. I turned on the radio and Ed Sheeran  was on the radio singing Galaway Girl. (Link up there) I sang along as I drove.

I parked my car and made my way to my locker to grab my books for the first class. I took a seat in the back of the classroom. I pulled out my sketch book and kept working on the drawing I had started a few days ago.

I put my sketch book away just as the bell rang. I saw the teacher come into the room and all the students got quiet. I looked around but I didn't see Zayn anywhere, I wonder if he decided to ditch class again. I wouldn't put it past him.

Halfway through the lesson the door opened and Zayn walked in. Everyone turned towards him, including me. He acted like nothing happened and walked towards where I was sitting, and took the empty seat next to me.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey," I made a small effort to smile.

"What's wrong? You aren't as happy as you usually are?"

"I'm fine." the biggest lie ever told.

He just leaves it alone and pretends to pay attention to the most boring lecture of the century. I attempt to do the same but I end up giving up halfway through it.

I laid my head on the desk and listened to her drone on about useless stuff. 

The bell rang and I slowly raised my head up off the desk, great now it's time for the next class. I hope it isn't as boring as this class was.

I grab my stuff and make my way to my locker. I saw Zayn already standing by it, I just kept walking towards it even though I really didn't want to engage in a conversation right this minute.

"Hey Sam, what's your next class?" he asked as he took my books out of my hands.

"History, you didn't have to take my books..." I replied while opening my locker.

"I know, I just felt like doing it."

"Why are you suddenly being so nice to me Zayn?" I inquired.

He looked taken aback. "I don't exactly know really."

"Mhmm," I thought about this for a minute. Maybe he was really trying to be nice, but on the other hand, I doubted he was really trying to be nice. I have been hurt too many times before, I don't want to be hurt again, especially by Zayn.


_____Zayn's POV_____

Why was she doubting me? I would never intentionally hurt her. 

I watched as she took out her books for the next class. I had it with her thankfully, I don't know what has gotten to me but something is different about her. She makes me act a different way than most girls do.

I took her books from her and we started walking to the next class together. I saw many different people glaring and whispering at us. I kind of expected it though, they never thought that Mr. Badboy and the so called school nerd, would ever walk to class together.

I had heard a few girls spreading rumors about Sam, but now that I know her I know that she is nothing at all like what those girls made her out to be.

I let Sam go into the classroom first then I followed her to the back of the class. She picked a seat next to the window while I took the seat next to her. I set her books on her desk and set my own underneath my desk.

I watched as she took out a book and started to draw in it. She was using a black pen and coloring in a black and white wolf. It was amazing to look at. She caught me looking and turned a deep shade of crimson.

She was so beautiful, I had to do everything I could to keep myself from taking my hand and caressing her soft, rosy pink cheek. I was admiring her big blue eyes when the bell interrupted my thoughts. I watched as Sam quickly put the drawing away and turned her eyes to the front of the room.

The whole time the teacher was talking I couldn't keep my eyes off Sam. Her long blonde hair was flowing freely down her back, her outfit made her eyes stand out against her fair skin. Those skinny jeans... What is happening to me?

I heard the bell rang and waited for Sam to grab her things. We went by her locker and she dropped off her books and grabbed the things she needed to grab. We headed down the hallway towards our next class. Turns out we have the same classes I have just never noticed her in them.

We got through that class, but next was lunch. Sam said she wasn't really hungry, but I saw right through her lie. I just hoped she was okay...

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