Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Emma brought me home after the funeral. We had watched as he was lowered into the earth. when it was.our turn to throw a handful of dirt on top of him I couldn't help myself. I softly whispered, "See you soon."

Emma made sure I was okay, once again doubtful to leave me alone. Before she left I took her hand in mine.

"You know that I love you right?" I asked.

"Of course Sam."

I stood up and have her a hug, I don't know how long but I didn't want to let go.

"Sam, are you okay?" She asked, pulling away.

" Yeah, I just needed a hug. " I lied. I tend to do that a lot.

"Okay, well, if you need me just call or text." She gave me a last hug and left.

" Okay, I'm coming Zayn. " I whispered, making my way to the kitchen.

Screw rehab.

I took the bottle of my depression pills off the windowsill above the sink. I dumped them all out and counted them. There were almost thirty in it. Good enough I thought.

I took them all, taking three at a time. I liked out my phone and texted Emma telling her to come over in twenty minutes. I wanted her to be the one to find me.

I went up to my room and grabbed my suicide note I had written last night after Zayn's eulogy.

I started feeling the effects of the pills and went back downstairs. I checked my phone, Emma was on her way right now. I set the note down and looked one last time through my photos. I stopped when I reached the one I had been looking for. Zayn was smiling and I was tucked into his side with my hand slightly covering my mouth while I was laughing. He had just said something funny moments earlier before he took a quick picture of us. He sent it to me after we had left.

I smiled and went upstairs, I laid on my bed, looking at the picture. My note was set neatly on my side table.

I closed my eyes and held my phone close to my heart, before I blacked out I remember hearing my voice say out loud, "I'm coming Zayn."

Then I was gone.


Emma's POV

I looked at my phone, San wants me to come over in twenty minutes. I set my phone down and pulled into a gas station. I quickly replied with a quick, 'I'm coming now.'

I turned back around and went back the way I had came. Ten minutes later I was back at Sam's house. I knocked on the door.


I knocked harder, still nothing.

I pounded this time. It was silent.

I tried opening the door with the handle, thankfully it opened. I called out, "Sam! Sam! Sam where are you?"

I looked in the living room, she wasn't there and neither was her phone. Then kitchen was empty, but I noticed the empty pill bottle in the counter. Oh my gosh.

"Sam!" I shrieked.

I ran upstairs, past her mum's room and the bathroom, checking both before I got to her room.

I saw her body on her bed, holding her phone to her chest. I gently took it from her, seeing the picture of her and Zayn I felt a tear slip.

"Sam!" I gently tried shipping her, with no result.

I dialed 911 on my phone, "911, state your emergency."

" My friend has overdosed and I need an ambulance. " I spoke.


I have her the address and she said there would be an ambulance on its way.

I just now noticed the note on the table. I picked it up and read it.

Emma, I hope you find me first.

Ever since Zayn died I've been worse. I was at one point getting better, but I couldn't take it anymore. I missed him so freaking much. If it weren't for him I would've been dead a month ago.

I'm sorry I had to leave you too. I couldn't stay here while I knew I would be miserable and depressed for the rest of my life without him. I remember thinking while he was in that hospital bed, if you don't make it I'm not going to last much longer. Now I know ill.get to see him again.

Forgive me? I promise to wait for you when you meet us again.

I love you Em.

I saw a tear hit the paper. My best friend was gone. I gently pressed my fingers against her head, the heat from her body was barely there anymore. Her lips were slightly blue and her face had turned pale.

She was gone.

You guys hate me now...

Don't sorry the next chapter or two will be the alternate ending. :)

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