Chapter Twenty-Five

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My eyes felt heavy as I tried opening them. I could not seem to open them even the slightest bit, it soon became frustrating and in the end, I gave up. I pretended to be asleep while I listened to the occasional sounds of people walking in and out of the room followed by a constant beeping noise.

"When do you think Sam will wake up?" I heard a voice say, since it was muffled I couldn't tell who it was.

"I'm not sure, it was a pretty bad blow to the head." I assumed this was the doctor.

They continued talk which soon became boring and I drifted off to sleep again.


"Come here you litt-" he said coming after me. 

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, it was the day I lost all trust in men. 

My mother's abusive boyfriend was drunk and was looking for something to hit. He had already taken most of it out on  my mother when she refused to buy more alcohol. 

"I know you're in here." he slowly made his way around the living room, stopping only feet away from where I had hidden myself underneath the couch. 

"I only want to play  with you Sammy." He called out getting closer to where I was hiding.



"Sam!" Someone was shaking me awake.

"I'm up! I'm up okay?" I snapped open my eyes.

"Sam are you okay? You were shaking." Emma looked in my eyes like she was searching for something.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little nightmare. It's okay, don't worry."

"Okay... How do you feel?"

To be honest, my head was killing me.

"I'm fine." was all that I said.

"When can I go home?" I asked her.

"I don't know, let me go find out."


She left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

All I really wanted to do right now was go crawl in my bed and binge watch tv. But, that wasn't going to happen.

Em returned a few minutes later and told me what the receptionist had told her.

"You will be able to leave as long as the doctor checks in on you one more time and everything is good to go."

"Great, did you happen to bring a spare change of clothes?" I asked, the hospital gown was annoying me.

"Yeah, here you go. I'll leave so you can get changed, I'll come back in a few minutes." she said, handing me a bag.

"Okay." I took the bag from her hands and opened it up. I found a pair of Nike slides, some black jean shorts, and a white printed t-shirt.

I had a little trouble putting on the shorts and shirt considering my wrist was in a cast. I managed to slip on the shorts and shirt before heading into the bathroom to put on a little makeup. I noticed while I was looking in the mirror the cigar burn the man had left on  my arm. 

I came back out and saw Emma sitting on my bed reading a People magazine. On the front cover was her celebrity crush, Liam Hemsworth.

She looked up, "That looks really cute on you!"

"Thanks," I looked down at the shirt, "Where did you find this t-shirt?"

"I think I found it at Walmart or Target."


We sat on the bed until one of the doctors came in to make sure I was free to go home.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked Em.

*** ***

Zayn's POV

"I'm gonna kill the guy who hurt my little Dove. I'll kill him!" I repeated as I continued to throw punches at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. 

My phone started ringing and I picked it up from the bench a few feet away from me. It was Emma.


"Geez, you don't have to snap at me. I was just calling to tell you the Sam is up, we're leaving the hospital in an hour."

"Sorry, and cool. You want me to meet you guys at her house?" I asked.

"No, meet me at my house." she gave me the address.

"Okay, see you guys soon." I said, hanging up the phone.

I picked up the few things I had set on the bench and went into the locker room to change.

I was bound and determined to kill him, at all costs.

*** ***

I'm sorry for such a short chapter! I'm trying to update a lot because this coming Tuesday I will no longer be on Wattpad for a while. I'm still going to write, I just won't be updating for awhile.

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