Chapter Eleven

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Do I have to get out of bed? I mean, its a choice, right? You have a choice, one option is to get out of bed and act normal or stay in bed binge watching the first season of The Vampire Diaries.

Which would you choose? Stay in bed, or get out of bed. Oh, such a hard decision, whatever I really didn't have a choice. I finally convinced myself to get my sorry butt out of bed.

I groaned, why does school have to start at eight am? Why not at like ten or eleven when normal humans should actually be getting out of bed.

I slowly made my way over to the shower and turned it on to a hot temperature. I grabbed my clothes before heading back into the bathroom.

I finished my shower and pulled on a crop top with some light blue jeans and some light pink shoes, they were my favorite pair like that.

I put on my black glasses I barely wore, I didn't need to give anybody another reason to call me a nerd but that didn't work. I usually wore my contacts instead.

I let my hair hang down my back in some loose beach waves. Then I went back into my bedroom and grabbed my makeup bag before returning back into the bathroom.

I applied my usual makeup, foundation, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. I only wore it because everyone else my age was wearing it but they were putting on so much it looked like a crayon raped their face.

I went for a more natural but equally as noticeable makeup look. I would hate to be popular for looking like that.

I grabbed my mini backpack before heading downstairs, I hadn't seen my own mother in awhile but that wasn't anything new so I didn't worry too much.

I grabbed a few bucks from my wallet and headed out to the car. I started it and drove to a Starbucks that was on the way to school.

I was nervous as I stepped up to the counter to order, I was not a fan of speaking to people. I was extremely nervous and somehow my hands found themselves clenching and unclenching my light pink hoodie I had pulled on over my t-shirt.

I stepped up and attempted to order my drink.

"Can I-i get a-a va-vanilla frappuccino pl-please?"

"For here or to go?"

"T-to go please." I couldn't keep myself from stuttering.

I looked up into the cashier's face and saw that he looked at me sadly. I didn't need anyone's pity, I was extremely shy and socially awkward. No big deal.

I gave him the money and waited until they called my name.

I got back in my car and drove to school, I wasn't in a hurry to arrive at that place.

Lunch time, great my favorite part of the day, not. I got in line and grabbed the healthiest options they had.

I turned around and started walking towards my usual table. There wasn't anyone there which wasn't a surprising thing. I just kind of thought that Zayn would be sitting there smirking while I walked over to the table rolling my eyes.

But no, that was just a dream, it wasn't real just an image of my imagination.

The lunch hour was probably the most boring one I've had ever since Zayn had been sitting with me. I mostly just pushed the food around on my plate and drew in my notebook a little bit.

Needless to say that school day, was the most boring one I've had in awhile.

The Nerd | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now