Chapter Twenty Seven

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***Sam's POV***

"Hey Sammie." Zayn said coming up behind me.

" Don't call me that. "

"But whyy??" He whined.

"Because I said so." I replied.

" Fine, I'll just give you the silent treatment until you let me call you Sammie. "

"You can't go more than thirty seconds without talking to me and you know it too."

" I can too! " he pouted.

"Ha! No you can't."

" Crap, I hate you. " he pouted.

"No you don't, you love me."

"Screw you, Sammie." He smirked, he thought he had me.

"You wish." I retorted.

He opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. I laughed, I had just roasted his little comebacks.

Why does he want to call me Sammie so bad?

"Why do you all of a sudden want to change my nickname?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess I just get tired of calling you Dove. I like Sammie, it's just like your name, but better."

His words almost melted me, just like when Olaf told Anna that she was worth melting for. Let's just say I kinda bawled like a baby...

It had been a week after my little accident at the party. I was under severe watch from Zayn and Emma because the guy who assaulted me was never arrested. I had tried asking Zayn about him but he wouldn't tell me. It seemed as though he was hiding something from me, and I hated it.



I felt bad about not telling Sam. But at the same time, it was for her own safety.

I was walking around town, doing nothing in particular when I decided to pay a little visit to him.

I started heading in the direction of the underground arenas. I was told I wouldn't ever have to go back there but some things are just too good to be true.

I turned down an alley and kept along the side, staying in the shadows. I took a left turn them walked out of town and into the woods a bit.

I started to hear shouts, meaning I was getting closer. I went straight in, not even stopping at the gate. They all knew who I was.

I turned to the right before seeing the all to familiar ring, the ring where I had almost lost my life multiple times.

See, when you loose, the don't even bother bringing you to a hospital, they throw you, literally, outside and leave you for dead. You know, as long as you aren't already dead.

I shivered, I never remembered it being this cold in here. I watched as the bigger guy, Skull, body slammed the unbelievably smaller guy down. I could hear a very large snap, I winced. That has to be unbelievably painful.

I started scanning the crowds, you would always be able to find him. He's actually a pretty muscular guy.

I found him, sitting up near the front, ready to help drag out any bodies of needed.

I took a deep breath and made my way over there. I hadn't seen him since the night of the party.

He saw me coming, standing up he laughed. I felt his hand land on my shoulder disgust washing over me.

"We need to talk. Now." I spit out, shoving his hand off my shoulder.

"Fine, we talk outside though." He walked to the front doors me trailing not far behind him.

"What is it yo-" I cut him off, landing my fist straight into his jaw.

"I've already told you to leave my family alone!"

"She's not your family, you said family. Not girlfriends." He smirked.

" She is family you son of a-"

"Watch it young one. I've got men hiding out waiting for me to give them the word and they'll shred you to pieces."

I snorted, "Right. If course you do, you knew I was coming didn't you?"

" You better watch your back. Your little princes might get hurt a lot worse if you keep this up. "

"What is it you want from me? I'll do anything to make you leave me alone."

" Anything? "

"Yes anything, just after I do it you have to leave me alone."

" Fine. Here's my proposal , you have to fight me. But you have to win, otherwise, well, little Sammie, is it? She'll be mine. "

"I'm not bringing Sam into this."

"I'll just keep coming back until you agree." He turned to leave.

"Wait." He turned back around, a smile plastered to his face, "I'll do it."

"Good. Eight o'clock, here." He turned to leave again. "Oh, and bring little Sammie. Wouldn't want her to miss it would we?" He laughed and went back inside.

I don't think I will ever forgive myself for bringing Sam into this.

I started my depressing walk home.

Wow! Finally an update?

I know, I know. But I have had really bad writers block so not only have I had trouble thinking of what comes next, I've started to think about discontinuing this story. 😢

But if you guys really like it, vote and comment so I know that not only my best friend is reading this because I'm running out of drama.

But nobody can run out of drama with just a little bit of help. So, I want you guys to send me YOUR ideas. I don't care if you private message me or just comment on this paragraph but I need your help. Please?

Okay, I'm done rambling. Go on with your day.

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