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Phil wasn't the best kid around. He usually went to parties and got drunk. He wasn't a strait A student, and he wasn't the nicest kid in school. He also sometimes skipped school.

"PHIL GET UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!" His mum yelled. Phil got up and went into his closet to look for some clothes. Phil picked out this all black shirt and black hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness

Phil entered the school and saw someone he didn't know. Who is this kid? He thought. This kid was wearing a pastel purple sweater and a purple flower crown, and white jeans. He also had curly hair too.

Phil just turned around and walked off to class. When he came to class he sat down and put his stuff down. Then that kid he saw earlier came in. "Everyone we have a new student today, his name is Daniel Howell. Daniel you can go sit by Phil, phil raise your hand." I raise my hand and he walks over and sits down. "Hi!!" "Hello" that's all I said.

A few minutes later....

"Psst"  "Yeah?" "Could you show me where my next classes are?" "Sure, why not?" "Thanks" I nodded.

The bell rings and I just remembered that I have to take that kid to his next class. I lead him out of the classroom. "So what's your next class?" Then he paused, "uh, science." "We have the same class next just follow me." He nodded, and we went to science.

The teacher notices Daniel walk in and says, "Class today we have a new student, you might have already met him but, this is Daniel." While the teacher introduced him to the class I went and sat down at my seat. "Daniel why don't you go sit by Phil." She then points to me.  Then he comes and takes a seat next to me and sets his stuff down on the desk.

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. Until someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see.. Daniel. "Could I sit by you at lunch?" "Sure" then we walked off to lunch.

Me and Daniel got our lunches and sat down with my friends. I introduced him to my friends and we just talked until lunch was over. I just found out that me and Daniel have every. Single. Class. Together.

Time skip because I'm really lazy..

The bell rang and I left class to go walk home. "Yes?" He paused, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over, you don't have to but you can." He looked down like he was sad, "sure I'll come." "Yay, follow me!" He then grabs my hand and leads me to his house. I blush slightly.

We entered his house and his mum. immediately asked, "Daniel who is this?" " mum this my friend Phil" I then say, "Hello Mrs. Howell." " hello sweetheart, will you be joining us for dinner?" I paused, "um sure, if that's ok." "Of course it's ok honey, now you two go upstairs and wait until dinners ready, I'll call you guys down when I'm done." "Ok" And with that we went upstairs.

Le time skip..

About an hour later Mrs. Howell called us downstairs. Me and Daniel quickly got up and went downstairs. Me and Daniel sat down and his mum brought in dinner for us to eat. Then I spoke up, "So Daniel, should I call you dan or Daniel?" That was such a stupid question, ugh I hate myself. "Oh yeah just call me dan." He laughed, omg his laugh is so adorable. No I can't like him- I mean I'm bi, but he probably isn't so...

We finished dinner and it was about 7:30. "So I think I should get going..." said Phil. Then dan suddenly said "No wait Phil, could you maybe stay over..?" Then he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and blushed. Wait. Hold on. DID DAN JUST FUCKING BLUSH?!?!?!?!?! Wow. "Um- uh-I can ask..." good job phil he probably thinks your an awkward nerd now. I pull out my phone and text my mum.


P- hey mum do you mind if I stay at a friends house?
M- I don't care as long as your at school tomorrow.
P- thanks mum
M- your welcome sweetie, stay safe and don't get into trouble, love you.
P- Love you too mum.

And with that I put my phone back in my pocket. "She said I could stay." "Yay!!" Said dan. "So what are we gonna do?" I asked him. "We could watch a movie." I nodded "ok sure."

We went up to his room and Dan took out the mattress that was under his bed and put it beside his bed for me to sleep on. I get up and turn on a movie. Dan laid down on his bed and I laid down on the mattress. I noticed that Dan was asleep. I groan. I get up and turn the tv off. Then I quickly fall asleep too.

Hello... Izzy, here. Umm so basically with the mattress under the bed thing... I didn't know how to explain it so I tried my best, I hope you know what I'm talking about.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now