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Dans pov

"Ooh! Look at the bear!" I shout, pointing at the soft looking teddy bear, sitting behind a worker- who looks bored out their mind- "I wanna play it!" I yell.

Phil chuckles and follows me over.

We came to a carnival thingy, Shane and Ryland went to some other game and me and phil went our own way.

I slowly walk over, these are the hard games. I roll my eyes.

It's the types of games where you have to be strong enough to make the thing go up all of the way, but I'm not fit for that.

After I few tries, I give up with a sigh.

"Come let's go-" I turn around and see phil about to play the game.

He wins the bear on his first try, "how?!?" I exclaim.

"I'm just that amazing!" He replies.

"You can have it, love." He says handing me the bear, I Aw and kiss him on the cheek, "thank you phil." I blush, slightly.

I intertwine our fingers and we go meet up with Shane and Ryland.

"What's up guys?" Ryland ask's.

"Nothing." I say and look up at phil, lovingly.

"Come on you two love birds, were leaving to the Farris wheel!!" Shane shouts and runs in the direction of the Farris wheel.

Phil and I blush ever so slightly and started walking with them.

We climb into a one seat and it starts going, I cling onto phil, "is this a bad time to tell you that I'm afraid of heights?!" I shout.

"Dan! Your joking." I look down, and shake my head.

Phil pulls me into his warm embrace and kisses my forehead.

"It'll be okay, dan. I'm here." He whispers into my ear, gently as we reach the top of the wheel.

Once we reach the ground, phil leans over and whispers, "come on, love. We're down."

I shakily get off of the ride and fall, but phil caught me. I mumbled, "carry me." As it was getting dark out.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me up, "you guys are so fucking adorable." I hear Shane whisper, because he most Likely thinks I'm asleep.

I snuggled into Phil's chest and he kisses me on the forehead. Then I hear Shane, 'aww' I close my eyes gently and that's the last thing I see for the night.

Here's the next chapter! I told you that it would be out very soon.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now