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Phil's pov

Dan leans on my shoulder and snuggles into me, "I'm sorry phil." He mumbles.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, love." I reply, softly. He nods, slowly.

We reach the house and I open the door and slowly close it back, I turn and see my mom, "Phil! What are you doing?!" My mom whisper/shouts, seeing that dan is basically asleep.

"We're going up to my room." I reply quickly, "Alright then." She whispers.

I continue to carry dan all the way to my room. I open the door and set him on the bed gently. As soon as I do my phone starts ringing super loudly.

My eyes widen and try and grab my phone, I get it quickly and answer it, I look over and see dan stirring.

"What?!" I ask annoyed.

"Do you and Dan wanna hangout with me and Ryland?" Shane asked.

"I'm busy, Shane!" I whisper/ shout.

"We can hangout tomorrow-" I cut him off, "Shane, I'll call you later." I say annoyed and hang up.

I huff and place my phone on my desk. I run my hand through my hair and look over at dan, he's still sleeping which is good.

I get underneath the blanket and he snuggles into my neck and falls back asleep, I sigh and fall asleep next to my beautiful boyfriend.

Shane's pov

"What'd he say?" Ryland asks me when he walked in the room. "It was weird, he answered and he sounded annoyed and then said he was busy and then hung up quickly." I shrugged.

"Maybe we could walk over to his house?" He suggests, "I guess."

We walk over to his house and knock on the door, "oh hi Mrs Lester!" I greet her, "Hello.?" She asks, confused. "Oh sorry, I'm Shane and this is Ryland, is phil here?" She nods, "yeah, him and dan are upstairs in his room." We thank her and head up.

We knock on the door and no one answers, we open the door and see dan and phil tangled and snuggled into eachother.

"Oh.." I whisper, "should we wake them?" He asks, "nah, we should just go." I look at him. He nods and we close the door and walk back downstairs.

"You guys aren't gonna stay?" His mom asks, "no, it's starting to get dark so we're gonna go. Thanks anyway Mrs Lester." I reply, "no problem sweetie, you guys can come back whenever you want." She smiles, "thank you, bye Mrs Lester!" We say and leave.

"That was weird." He states, "I agree, let's not tell them." I reply, "agreed." He says.

Phil's pov

I open my eyes and look around. I spot dan, asleep. I yawn and try and untangle myself from him, which only makes him latch on to me more.

"Dan." I say, he mumbles something, "dan!" I say louder, "whattt?!" He asks, "you gotta go home get up." I tell him, he snuggles into my neck more, "nooo." He whines, "dan, you have to." I reply, "no, never, I don't wanna move." He says. I roll my eyes and pick him up.

"No! Phil put me down!" He whines in an adorable voice. "No!" I mock him.

I run downstairs with him in my arms, "philly, put me down, please." He begs.

"What're you two doing?!" My mom asks, unbelievably as she walks in the room.

I practically drop him, "shit." I mumble. "What the hell phil?!" He shouts, standing up.

"Phil will you please explain why you were carrying dan?" I sigh, "cause he wouldn't get out of my bed." I say and regret it immediately. Dammit. I think.

She looks at me with a look that says,
You will explain when he leaves.
I sigh, "dan it's time for you to go, sweetie, he'll see you tomorrow." Dan just nods.

"Come on." I tell him and walk him outside.

"Phil, why did you say that?" He asks, unbelievably, "I don't know! I didn't mean to dan!" I yell, starting to get offensive, "okay calm down." I sigh, "I'm sorry." I reply, "it's okay phil." He kisses me on the cheek, "bye phil." He smiles and walks to his house. "Bye!" I shout and walk back inside, preparing for the worst.

"Phil." My mother says to me, "yeah?" I reply, "why was dan in you're bed?" She asks, "because he fell asleep." I say, almost question like, "Alright then," she pauses, I sigh expecting to be done. But no, "If he just 'fell asleep' did you stay in the same bed as well?" She asks. Shit.

"N-no." I stutter out, fuck. "You did!" She said, "okay fine, yeah I did. So what?" I ask, "now. Answer me this, why did dan kiss you on the cheek before he left?" She smirks.

"You saw that?" I ask, "yep." She replies, "so are you guys a thing?" She asks,
"Yes.." I whisper. "That's amazing! You guys are so cute together." She exclaims
"Wait, I thought you didn't really accept this kinda thing." I say, confused. "I assumed that you and dan were together and I saw how happy he made you, so I decided that it's not actually a bad thing." She smiles, "thank you mom." I tell her, "it's okay phil, whatever makes you happy." She says and goes upstairs.

Just as I was about to go up too, my phone rings,

"Yes?" I ask,

"So can you guys hangout tomorrow?"


"Yes it's me, can you?"

"Um, maybe. I'll call you tomorrow." I tell him.

"Kay, night phil."

"Night Shane." I say and hang up.

I take my phone and go upstairs. I toss my phone on my desk and flop on my bed and fall asleep.


Also This chapter was so baddd
There all bad.
Whatever though lol
I hope you enjoyed this crap of a chapter.
Byyyyeeee, I love all of youuu!!

P.s the next chapter should be out soon.

P.s.s this chapter wasn't edited cus I'm lazy lmao

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now